GoogleCloudPlatform / firebase-extensions

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Clarity on Model Naming Conventions #508

Open ydax opened 1 month ago

ydax commented 1 month ago

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The extension doesn't seem to use the Vertex model naming conventions. For example, gemini-pro, the default model name, is nowhere to be found in the linked models docs. gemini-1.0-pro is there and so is gemini-1.5-pro, but no gemini-pro. So which model are we getting? How can we ensure use of, for example, gemini-1.5-pro?

These naming conventions need to line up.

Expected result

I'd recommend that the parameter value for "Gemini model" for this extension line up with the API model names like gemini-1.5-pro that are listed in the docs so that devs can clearly select their preferred model.

pr-Mais commented 1 month ago

Hi @ydax, thanks for your valuable report. The extension allows free-text form for the model name, the one you mentioned gemini-pro is only a default value that you can change, there's no other specified models inside the extension. Linked a PR to update the default value to gemini-1.0-pro which supports the latest stable version of Gemini 1.0 on both Google AI and Vertex AI.

ydax commented 1 month ago

awesome, thanks for clarity. So does that mean that we can use the other model names as seen in the Vertex docs? I tried these model names before and the extension threw an error.

pr-Mais commented 1 month ago

@ydax absolutely, you can put any of the models available in Vertex AI. The extension throwing may indicate an issue, could you let me know the error you were seeing?

mrroccodev commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @pr-Mais . I have tried to use these model names and got this error: gemini-1.5-flash gemini-flash

What are the list of available models supported?

GoogleGenerativeAIError: [404 Not Found] models/gemini-flash is not found for API version v1, or is not supported for GenerateContent. Call ListModels to see the list of available models and their supported methods. at makeRequest (/workspace/node_modules/@google/generative-ai/dist/index.js:216:19)

pr-Mais commented 3 weeks ago

@mrroccodev thanks for reporting your issue, we would need to update the API version used by the extension to support newer models & document the supported list, working on it.