GoogleCloudPlatform / gcp-service-broker

Open Service Broker for Google Cloud Platform
Apache License 2.0
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CloudSQL Services not available after "successful" install #41

Closed mdcarlson closed 8 years ago

mdcarlson commented 8 years ago

We installed beta 2.0.0 of the GCP service broker earlier this week into PCF 1.8.6 on vSphere.

After a couple of failed attempts due to misconfiguration of database certs/keys, the installation succeeded (no errors).

cf marketplace listed the expected GCP services except for CloudSQL.

Repeating this test this afternoon after rebuilding this PCF instance in our lab, we found similar results.

The output of cf marketplace is:

service           plans                                      description
    google-bigquery   default                                    A fast, economical and fully managed data warehouse for large-scale data analytics
    google-ml-apis    default                                    Machine Learning Apis including Vision, Translate, Speech, and Natural Language
    google-pubsub     default                                    A global service for real-time and reliable messaging and streaming data
    google-storage    standard, nearline, reduced_availability   A Powerful, Simple and Cost Effective Object Storage Service
    p-mysql           100mb                                      MySQL databases on demand

The output of a sample cf create-service google-cloudsql command is:

cf create-service google-cloudsql d4_standard mycloudsql -c '{"instance_name": "myinstance", "database_name": "mydb"}'
Creating service instance mycloudsql in org gcp-service-broker-org / space gcp-service-broker-space as mcarlson...
    Service offering google-cloudsql not found
ccemeraldeyes commented 8 years ago

Were any cloudsql custom plans created? If not, it's in adherence to the service broker api that cloudsql not appear in the service list.

mdcarlson commented 8 years ago


Thanks for the reply. In the Pivotal Network documentation for the GCP Service Broker "tile", the first step in the "Using GCP Service Broker" section under CloudSQL is:

Run cf create-service google-cloudsql to create a new database instance and database. PCF Operators create custom plans for Google Cloud SQL when installing the GCP Service Broker.

I see now that that I missed the optional configuration step in the tile setup that is used to create custom CloudSQL plans.

Improvement ideas:

Thanks for the help!


mdcarlson commented 8 years ago

I used the tile configuration to define two custom plans called "small-d0-standard" and "medium-d4-standard". I clicked apply changes in OpsMan and the deploy was "successful".

However, cf marketplace still does not show the plans as being available.

The changelog for this apply changes run is here. I do not see any errors or warning messages.

With a task duration of 1 second, it doesn't appear that the configuration changes were detected.

Screenshot showing two custom CloudSQL plans: gcp-service-broker-cloudsql-plan-config-01

Screenshot showing details of small-s0-standard plan: gcp-service-broker-cloudsql-plan-config-02

mdcarlson commented 8 years ago

Uninstalling and re-installing the tile, this time defining my two custom plans during the initial deploy, successfully created the plans. The plans appear in the results of the cf marketplace command.

Creating a new plan large-d8-standard and applying changes worked as expected.

I deleted the tile again and reinstalled without configuring custom CloudSQL plans to attempt to recreate the issue. However, this time, I was able to add plans, apply changes and see them show up as expected.

Could not recreate.