GoogleCloudPlatform / go-endpoints

Cloud Endpoints for Go
Apache License 2.0
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"go-endpoints" is not referenced in AppEngine online docs. Is it alpha? beta? neither? #111

Open dknesek opened 8 years ago

dknesek commented 8 years ago

I have been trying to us golang for as much GAE code as I can. But the online docs for AppEngine golang doesn't list "Google Cloud Endpoints" as a service like it does for Java and Python.

Why is this? What is the official status/roadmap for golang support of endpoints?

SpainTrain commented 8 years ago

I would also love to know this. Currently using Python Endpoints, but would be great to try out Endpoints written in Go in production (or know if/when this will ever be possible).

dknesek commented 8 years ago

Okay...I think the sound of crickets makes it official. Go-endpoints is not a serious choice. Bummer.

broady commented 8 years ago

I believe @campoy has been maintaining this library recently.

I don't know whether the code is suitable for production use — it may be, but I think you should consider the package's interface/API experimental (i.e., may change at any time).

dknesek commented 8 years ago

Thanks @broady.

@campoy - Can you provide any insight into the status and roadmap of go-endpoints?

okdave commented 8 years ago

I've only had limited involvement with endpoints so far, so I don't have a great idea about what the status is.

campoy commented 8 years ago

I would like to get official support for go-endpoints as the Go implementation of Cloud Endpoints. In the meanwhile I'll keep on maintaining the library with others and add features as they are requested.

The interface should not change much now that we migrated to the new context.Context, but there's a possibility that future changes will impact it (therefore no real guarantee)

dknesek commented 8 years ago

@campoy - Any updates on the status of go-endpoints? What has to happen before it is considered by Google to be the supported (at least beta) method for implementing the endpoints API using Golang?

nipun0212 commented 8 years ago

@campoy - I am building stuff using Go Endpoints. Can you please confirm it's chances of getting official else i would move to python.

broady commented 8 years ago

@nipun0212 @dknesek we can't talk about any future product plans.

Needless to say, though, @campoy is only working on go-endpoints in his spare time. This isn't enough to constitute official support. We will keep you in touch if/when this project is fully staffed and we can call it officially supported.

ishitatsuyuki commented 7 years ago

We need some efforts to keep this project usable. Nobody is even currently accepting PRs, making this outdated.