GoogleCloudPlatform / ios-docs-samples

iOS samples that demonstrate APIs and services of Google Cloud Platform.
Apache License 2.0
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Latest version does not build #136

Open IvannikovG opened 4 years ago

IvannikovG commented 4 years ago

ProductName: Mac OS X ProductVersion: 10.15.1 BuildVersion: 19B88 POD: 1.8.4

The Project does not build, even though I properly have gone through the guide.

Errors: 1). line: #import <googleapis/Annotations.pbobjc.h> -> 'googleapis/Annotations.pbobjc.h' file not found 2). line: #import <googleapis/Annotations.pbobjc.h> -> 'googleapis/Annotations.pbobjc.h' file not found 3). line : import googleapis -> Could not build Objective-C module 'googleapis'

Found already opened issues on similar topics, none of the solutions worked out.

Please help!

andrewackerman commented 4 years ago

I'm receiving a similar issue, when I build my app I get the following error:

'googleapis/CloudSpeech.pbobjc.h' file not found
Did not find header 'CloudSpeech.pbobjc.h' in framework 'googleapis' (loaded from '/Users/.../Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Runner-btrsujmugwnmjdbeodbgukzwjnqg/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/googleapis')

This is in the cloud/speech/v1/CloudSpeech.pbrpc.h file on the second line:

#import <googleapis/CloudSpeech.pbobjc.h>

Following the instructions in BUILDFIXES didn't help as the imports specified there have already been corrected.

jlynch1 commented 4 years ago


I had the same issue as above with the Could not build Objective-C module 'googleapis' with the ios-docs-samples/text-to-speech/Swift/TextToSpeech/ app.

But ios-docs-samples/speech/Swift/Speech-gRPC-Streaming/Speech built and ran, so comparing the two I noticed that the lines in ios-docs-samples/text-to-speech/Swift/TextToSpeech/INSTALL-COCOAPODS for "Fix the bad imports in the generated files" with the greps and sed for the paths to the google headers files are not needed anymore, so remove or comment out these 4 lines and this resolved the issue.

Regards Jonathan