GoogleCloudPlatform / k8s-stackdriver

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Custom Metrics Adapter Applicability to GKE Autopilot #480

Open StevenACoffman opened 2 years ago

StevenACoffman commented 2 years ago

In the tutorial it is unclear whether the steps are applicable to an GKE Autopilot cluster.

For instance, is it necessary to install the custom-metrics-stackdriver-adapter in an GKE Autopilot cluster?

kubectl apply -f
StevenACoffman commented 2 years ago

While I can see that in my GKE Autopilot clusters the event-exporter-gke pods are running in the kube-system namespace, there does not appear to be a pre-installed custom-metrics-stackdriver-adapter.

When installing in GKE Autopilot, you do not need need to, and in fact you cannot use node "true". Otherwise the directions for how to Use Workload Identity are correct

See GoogleCloudPlatform/k8s-stackdriver#315 and GoogleCloudPlatform/kubernetes-engine-samples#140

gcloud iam service-accounts create custom-metrics-sd-adapter --project "$GCP_PROJECT_ID"

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding "$GCP_PROJECT_ID" \
  --member "serviceAccount:custom-metrics-sd-adapter@$" \
  --role "roles/monitoring.editor"

gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding \
  --role roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser \
  --member "serviceAccount:$[custom-metrics/custom-metrics-stackdriver-adapter]" \

kubectl create -f

kubectl annotate serviceaccount custom-metrics-stackdriver-adapter \
  "$" \
  --namespace custom-metrics
peter-volkov commented 1 year ago

same problem. clearly Autopilot cluster supports the external metrics from Cloud Monitoring -- it even has UI dialog to set them. Though when you try to create a HPA object using the official example

it fails:

$ kubectl describe horizontalpodautoscalers.autoscaling 
Name:                                                                                    myservice
Namespace:                                                                               default
Labels:                                                                                  <none>
Annotations:                                                                             <none>
CreationTimestamp:                                                                       Mon, 12 Jun 2023 18:50:12 +0300
Reference:                                                                               Deployment/myservice
Metrics:                                                                                 ( current / target )
  "|subscription|num_undelivered_messages" (target average value):  <unknown> / 2
Min replicas:                                                                            1
Max replicas:                                                                            5
Deployment pods:                                                                         1 current / 1 desired
  Type            Status  Reason                   Message
  ----            ------  ------                   -------
  AbleToScale     True    ReadyForNewScale         recommended size matches current size
  ScalingActive   False   FailedGetExternalMetric  the HPA was unable to compute the replica count: unable to get external metric default/|subscription|num_undelivered_messages/nil: unable to fetch metrics from external metrics API: the server could not find the requested resource (get|subscription|
  ScalingLimited  False   DesiredWithinRange       the desired count is within the acceptable range
  Type     Reason                   Age   From                       Message
  ----     ------                   ----  ----                       -------
  Warning  FailedGetExternalMetric  1s    horizontal-pod-autoscaler  unable to get external metric default/|subscription|num_undelivered_messages/nil: unable to fetch metrics from external metrics API: the server could not find the requested resource (get|subscription|

I'm pretty sure that the metric exists -- I can see it in Cloud Monitoring

peter-volkov commented 1 year ago

ok. it works after installing custom metric adapter. I thought it should be preinstalled

kubectl apply -f