GoogleCloudPlatform / mlops-with-vertex-ai

An end-to-end example of MLOps on Google Cloud using TensorFlow, TFX, and Vertex AI
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Missing gcloud command or terraform code to create cloud build triggers #19

Open hilliao opened 2 years ago

hilliao commented 2 years ago

Users like to have a way to create cloud build triggers in the Terraform folder or with gcloud commands. I found tensorflow transform is using Apache beam runner in the following cloud build file.

# Compile the pipeline.
- name: '$_CICD_IMAGE_URI'
  entrypoint: 'python'
  args: ['build/',
          '--mode', 'compile-pipeline',
          '--pipeline-name', '$_PIPELINE_NAME'
  dir: 'mlops-with-vertex-ai'
  id: 'Compile Pipeline'
  waitFor: ['Local Test E2E Pipeline']

So far I gather an example from a notebook's section. But I can't find how to create the cloud build trigger.

  1. Run the training pipeline using Vertex Pipelines Set the pipeline configurations for the Vertex AI run os.environ["DATASET_DISPLAY_NAME"] = DATASET_DISPLAY_NAME os.environ["MODEL_DISPLAY_NAME"] = MODEL_DISPLAY_NAME os.environ["PIPELINE_NAME"] = PIPELINE_NAME os.environ["PROJECT"] = PROJECT os.environ["REGION"] = REGION os.environ["GCS_LOCATION"] = f"gs://{BUCKET}/{DATASET_DISPLAY_NAME}" os.environ["TRAIN_LIMIT"] = "85000" os.environ["TEST_LIMIT"] = "15000" os.environ["BEAM_RUNNER"] = "DataflowRunner" os.environ["TRAINING_RUNNER"] = "vertex" os.environ["TFX_IMAGE_URI"] = f"{PROJECT}/{DATASET_DISPLAY_NAME}:{VERSION}" os.environ["ENABLE_CACHE"] = "1"