GoogleCloudPlatform / opentelemetry-operations-java

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Trace Exporter sets invalid parent span IDs for root spans #295

Closed WadeGulbrandsen closed 9 months ago

WadeGulbrandsen commented 9 months ago

Root spans should have the parent span ID left empty but Trace Exporter is setting them to 0000000000000000 which is not a valid span ID and shows up in Cloud Trace as (Missing span ID 0000000000000000).


I believe the issue is in exporters/trace/src/main/java/com/google/cloud/opentelemetry/trace/

if (spanData.getParentSpanId() != null) {

Instead of checking to see if the parent span ID is not null the check should be for if the parent context is valid:

if (spanData.getParentSpanContext().isValid()) {

After making that change to a local copy of the I no longer see the (Missing span ID 0000000000000000) spans and the root span has the parent span ID empty.


aabmass commented 9 months ago

Thanks for the report and PR, we will take a look