Only ClusterSecretKeySelector for consistency and explicitness. We could rename it to SecretKeySelector I guess.
Credentials and others etc are optional for compatibiltiy AND name is similar to e.g. secretKeyRef in It feels cleaner this way and allows extensions if needed (e.g. credentials from some different secret provider). It could be SecretKeyRef or Ref or *SecretRef suffix but chosen something that reflects it's not a string, but also not too verbose.
Flattened the structure, make it a pointer, for simplicity.
Detached low level types from scrape in comments (it's generic HTTP)
One method for accessing things (and adding used secrets) for smaller boilerplate
Unit && e2e tests
Manually running e2e against cluster and trying to access metric from authorized endpoint
Added time.Sleep in podmon success test case
Run:GMP_CLUSTER=bwplotka-test NO_DOCKER=1 TEST_RUN=TestBasicAuth/full make e2e
Some decision rationales:
GMP_CLUSTER=bwplotka-test NO_DOCKER=1 TEST_RUN=TestBasicAuth/full make e2e