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401 Deadline exception when using Imagen Python #12020

Open eridiumeng opened 2 months ago

eridiumeng commented 2 months ago

Example code:

vertexai.init(project=PROJECT_ID, location=LOCATION)
model: ImageGenerationModel = ImageGenerationModel.from_pretrained(model_name=MODEL_NAME)

Common.log_info(message='Handling image generation request')
data: dict =
prompt: str = data.get(PROMPT_KEY, '')
user_id: str = req.auth.uid
if not user_id:
    Common.log_info(message='Invalid user id, not generating image')
if not prompt:
    Common.log_info(message='Invalid prompt, not generating image')
number_of_images: int = data.get(NUMBER_OF_IMAGES_KEY, 1)
guidance_scale: int = data.get(GUIDANCE_SCALE_KEY, MEDIUM_GUIDANCE_SCALE)
output_image_path: str = (GENERATED_IMAGE_PREFIX + user_id +
                          '/' +
                          Common.get_current_datetime() + '/' +
                              input_string=prompt) + JPEG_SUFFIX)
output_gcs_uri: str = BUCKET_URI_PREFIX + output_image_path
Common.log_info(message=f'Generating image at: {output_gcs_uri}')
    aspect_ratio=Common.convert_to_aspect_ratio(input_string=data.get(ASPECT_RATIO_KEY, '')),
    output_gcs_uri=BUCKET_URI_PREFIX + output_image_path,
Common.log_info(message=f'Generated image at: {output_image_path}')
return {
    GENERATED_IMAGE_PATH_KEY: output_image_path

Log output

insertId: "668e115800009112eb018410"
labels: {
execution_id: "RCyLEQaZkqtT"
goog-managed-by: "cloudfunctions"
instanceId: "0087244a805cf6d58e414f53f12334887c32a9193fd30e864537965aed11aef51420d9a28124761e498af43bce228ec8099599bc142b0e59e58e9ea6dac43d80"
logName: "projects/claptrap-project/logs/"
receiveTimestamp: "2024-07-10T04:43:04.043022212Z"
resource: {
labels: {
configuration_name: "generate-images"
location: "us-central1"
project_id: "claptrap-project"
revision_name: "generate-images-00004-mil"
service_name: "generate-images"
type: "cloud_run_revision"
severity: "ERROR"
spanId: "10602671325904409459"
textPayload: "An exception occurred: 401 Image generation failed with the following error: Deadline"
timestamp: "2024-07-10T04:43:04.037138Z"
johanpicard commented 1 month ago

+1 same issue even with a single image. Generation works fine through the Studio though for the same Imagegeneration@006 model, even for 4 images.

glasnt commented 1 month ago

Based on the log output, you're running this on either Cloud Run or Cloud Functions. The default resources on these services will be less than a dedicated environment like (presumably from johanpicard's comment) Vertex AI Studio

You may need to increase either the CPU or memory in order to ensure the computation completes before the deadline.

johanpicard commented 1 month ago

eridumeng is however, as I am, calling the Vertex AI API which is timing out here, with no ties to the client's configuration which is just waiting idly ?

After further troubleshooting, I realized that the issue was coming from the "output_gcs_uri" parameter which is supposed to output the generated images to GCS - very handy on paper. Very fast without, hangs and then "Deadline" when included however.

I fixed it by not using it, generating the images, then grabbing the GeneratedImage elements and wrote them myself to GCS using the following code :

` images = model.generate_images( prompt=prompt, number_of_images=config.IMAGE_COUNT, language="en", aspect_ratio="1:1", safety_filter_level="block_some",

output_gcs_uri=output_folder !!! Does not work !!!


storage_client = storage.Client()
bucket = storage_client.bucket(config.BUCKET_NAME)

if images:
    images_urls = []
    clean_concept = concept.replace(" ", "_")  # Replace spaces with underscores

    # Process each generated image
    for i, generated_image in enumerate(images):
        # Create a blob in the concept-specific folder

        blob_name = f"{clean_concept}/{clean_concept}_{i}.png" 
        blob = bucket.blob(blob_name)

        # Upload the generated image content

        # Store the GCS URL
        image_url = f"gs://{bucket_name}/{blob_name}"

    return image_urls
    return []`