GoogleCloudPlatform / serverless-sample-tester

Apache License 2.0
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Add support to skip stages #9

Open grayside opened 4 years ago

grayside commented 4 years ago

The current lifecycle of STS takes the following stages for a sample:

  1. Build
  2. Deploy
  3. Test
  4. Teardown


In working with a tool that owns this whole lifecycle, a few exceptions to the full set of stages often come up:

Proposed solution

Add the following flags or similar:

This issue affects two categories in my review of the repository:

SaketramDurbha commented 4 years ago

I think this is a great idea.

Only thing is that I'm not sure how parts of this will work with Cloud Build config support (#8) implemented. Because if we say that cloudbuild.yaml files should include build and deploy commands, I'm not sure how we would prevent the building of a new container image when we call gcloud builds submit using that config file. If it's not possible, I think one option is that we can disable skipping the build step in cases where we're using a cloudbuild.yaml file.