GoogleContainerTools / jib-extensions

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Cause: extension configured but not discovered on Jib runtime classpath: #164

Closed thaarbach closed 2 months ago

thaarbach commented 10 months ago

Added JibSpringBootExtension to a Spring Boot 3.1.2 Application as descripted in the docs

Execution fails with

> error running extension '': extension configured but not discovered on Jib runtime classpath:

At the top of the gradle script i added

buildscript {
    dependencies {

Jib is configured as

jib {
    description """Creates an optimized docker images and push it do nexus
                   Usage: ./gradelew jib -Prepo=<docker-repository> -Pport=<exposedPort>
    from {
        image = "eclipse-temurin:17-jre"
    to {
        image = "$repository/$$version"
        tags = ["latest"]
    container {
        workingDirectory = "/"
        ports = [exposedPort]
        container.creationTime = "USE_CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"
        jvmFlags = [
        environment = [
            TZ                        : "Europe/Berlin"
    pluginExtensions { 
        pluginExtension {
            implementation = ''

What is missing?

suztomo commented 10 months ago

as descripted in the docs

Would you add the URL of the document?

thaarbach commented 9 months ago

@suztomo sorry, for my late answer. Found it in the readme of spring-boot-extension

mpeddada1 commented 8 months ago

Can you verify if it's available in the build script by using this setup? Additionally, are you experiencing this when using particular gradlew version?

alicejli commented 2 months ago

Closing due to lack of response; please reopen with additional info if this is still an issue. Thanks!