GoogleContainerTools / kaniko

Build Container Images In Kubernetes
Apache License 2.0
14.95k stars 1.45k forks source link

when copy from ,if src file is link file,all we get is only link itself, not the file to which link points #1648

Open zlingqu opened 3 years ago

zlingqu commented 3 years ago
# tree 
├── config.json
├── deploy
│   └── a.txt
└── Dockerfile
FROM rnix/openssl-gost AS RES
FROM openjdk:8
COPY --from=RES /usr/bin/openssl /usr/bin/openssl
ADD . .
CMD ["sh",""]
  1. When we use Docker-Build to make the image
# docker build . -t myapp:v1
# ......
# docker run -it --rm myapp:v1 bash
root@34646e0341c3:/app# ls -lh /usr/bin/openssl 
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root staff 1.4M Mar 26  2020 /usr/bin/openssl
root@34646e0341c3:/app# md5sum /usr/bin/openssl 
b75de0d781cb1aed40a7f63960f021f5  /usr/bin/openssl
  1. When we use kaniko to make the image
    # docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/workspace:ro -v `pwd`/config.json:/kaniko/.docker/config.json:ro --destination
    INFO[0000] Resolved base name rnix/openssl-gost to res  
    INFO[0000] Retrieving image manifest rnix/openssl-gost  
    INFO[0000] Retrieving image rnix/openssl-gost from registry 
    INFO[0003] Retrieving image manifest openjdk:8          
    INFO[0003] Retrieving image openjdk:8 from registry 
    INFO[0006] Built cross stage deps: map[0:[/usr/bin/openssl]] 
    INFO[0006] Retrieving image manifest rnix/openssl-gost  
    INFO[0006] Returning cached image manifest              
    INFO[0006] Executing 0 build triggers                   
    INFO[0037] Saving file usr/local/ssl/bin/openssl for later use 
    INFO[0037] Saving file usr/bin/openssl for later use    
    INFO[0037] Deleting filesystem...                       
    INFO[0039] Retrieving image manifest openjdk:8          
    INFO[0039] Returning cached image manifest              
    INFO[0039] Executing 0 build triggers                   
    INFO[0039] Unpacking rootfs as cmd COPY --from=RES /usr/bin/openssl /usr/bin/openssl requires it. 
    INFO[0069] COPY --from=RES /usr/bin/openssl /usr/bin/openssl 
    INFO[0069] Taking snapshot of files...                  
    INFO[0069] WORKDIR /app/                                
    INFO[0069] cmd: workdir                                 
    INFO[0069] Changed working directory to /app/           
    INFO[0069] Creating directory /app/                     
    INFO[0069] Taking snapshot of files...                  
    INFO[0069] Using files from context: [/workspace]       
    INFO[0069] ADD . .                                      
    INFO[0069] Taking snapshot of files...                  
    INFO[0069] EXPOSE 80                                    
    INFO[0069] cmd: EXPOSE                                  
    INFO[0069] Adding exposed port: 80/tcp                  
    INFO[0069] CMD ["sh",""]                        
    INFO[0069] Pushing image to 
    INFO[0105] Pushed image to 1 destinations               
    [root@devops-10-12-19-31 abc]# 
    [root@devops-10-12-19-31 abc]# docker run -it --rm bash
    Unable to find image '' locally
    v2: Pulling from devops/myapp
    d960726af2be: Already exists 
    e8d62473a22d: Already exists 
    8962bc0fad55: Already exists 
    65d943ee54c1: Already exists 
    da20b77f10ac: Already exists 
    fb6a778e6477: Already exists 
    ae7884f0e61b: Already exists 
    3717a9ba460e: Pull complete 
    5397ec18e059: Pull complete 
    96fca928cdae: Pull complete 
    Digest: sha256:1591eca1911fc7c9763b7468e492b89b1fcde7dd3eea32b3462772d9b5ddeaf9
    Status: Downloaded newer image for
    root@e971d4784e5e:/app# ls -lh /usr/bin/openssl 
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 26 May 14 02:59 /usr/bin/openssl -> /usr/local/ssl/bin/openssl
    root@e971d4784e5e:/app# md5sum /usr/bin/openssl 
    md5sum: /usr/bin/openssl: No such file or directory
    root@e971d4784e5e:/app# ls /usr/local/ssl/bin/openssl
    ls: cannot access '/usr/local/ssl/bin/openssl': No such file or directory

We see that when using COPY --from to process the link file, we find that the results of Docker build and Kaniko are different.

I think it's a bug or a feature that needs to be fixed?

aaron-prindle commented 1 year ago

possible dupe of