GoogleContainerTools / kaniko

Build Container Images In Kubernetes
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Kaniko deletes all content inside `$HOME` directory when using multiple `FROM` elements inside `Dockerfile`. #2764

Open GamePlayer-8 opened 11 months ago

GamePlayer-8 commented 11 months ago

Actual behavior When I'm using multiple FROM <image name> inside Dockerfile kaniko somehow deletes everything inside $HOME directory (at least when running on root). Causing the push option of the image to error since the credentials are stored in $HOME/.docker.

Expected behavior Kaniko should build an image with multiple FROM <image name> elements just fine, without deleting content inside $HOME and pushing the image without any problem.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Install kaniko inside i.e. alpine container.
  2. Install docker
  3. Create credentials file with docker login
  4. Create an example Dockerfile outside of $HOME directory:
    FROM alpine AS builder

RUN echo "First image."

FROM alpine

COPY --from=builder /bin/sh .

RUN echo "Second image."

CMD ["/bin/sh"]

5. Build a Docker image and try to push it onto the specified docker registry (from `docker login`). Use command `kaniko --context . --dockerfile ./Dockerfile --destination your.registry/username/package`
6. kaniko should crash and after doing `ls -a $HOME` the directory should be shown as empty.

 | **Description** | **Yes/No** |
 | Please check if this a new feature you are proposing        | <ul><li>- [ ] </li></ul>|
 | Please check if the build works in docker but not in kaniko | <ul><li>- [X] </li></ul>| 
 | Please check if this error is seen when you use `--cache` flag | <ul><li>- [X] </li></ul>|
 | Please check if your dockerfile is a multistage dockerfile | <ul><li>- [X] </li></ul>| 
JeromeJu commented 11 months ago

Thanks for the issue @GamePlayer-8 . Would you mind providing a bit more detail on the exact path of the secrets being in $HOME and the context?

GamePlayer-8 commented 11 months ago

The path of secrets of $HOME is $HOME/.docker/config.json. In the exact case /root/.docker/config.json.

The context of config.json is:

    "auths": {
        "<registry_url>": {
        "auth": "<base64 encoded auth data>"

I've decided to change $HOME path to /kaniko and kaniko wasn't removed the content of /kaniko. The problem occurs when running as root and having the default $HOME configured at /root.

JeromeJu commented 11 months ago

Thanks for the pointers on this from @aaron-prindle , for this issue, the root cause could be that $HOME fell under the ignored list dirs and would be cleared/ignored after the RUN. Please feel free to correct/supplement if there are anything missing. 🙏

cyprianbergoniatmo commented 10 months ago

We're seeing more files being deleted. We have kaniko installed in an image. We also install other executables in / and in /usr/local/bin. After running kaniko, files are missing in / and in /usr/local/bin. For example /crane and everything in the /usr/local/bin folder. home is /root. Unrelated but to remove a possible variable, for the container logs and execution below, the /certs folder was mounted.

Before build:

/workspace # ls /
bin        crane      etc        kaniko     media      opt        root       sbin       sys        usr        workspace
certs      dev        home       lib        mnt        proc       run        srv        tmp        var
/workspace # ls /usr/local/bin
2to3               idle3              pip3               pydoc3.12          python3-config     wheel
2to3-3.12          idle3.12           pip3.12            python             python3.12
crane              jinjanate          pydoc              python-config      python3.12-config
idle               pip                pydoc3             python3            scannercli

After build:

/workspace # ls  /
bin     dev     home    lib     mnt     proc    run     sh      sys     usr
certs   etc     kaniko  media   opt     root    sbin    srv     tmp     var
/workspace # ls /usr/local/bin -la
total 8
drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root          4096 Nov  6 17:16 .
drwxr-xr-x    5 root     root          4096 Nov  6 17:16 ..
manics commented 10 months ago

Here's a minimal example using the latest image- /bin is missing at the end.

podman run -it --rm --entrypoint /busybox/sh -c '/kaniko/executor version && ls -l /bin && mkdir /src && echo -e "FROM scratch\nFROM scratch" > /src/Dockerfile && cat /src/Dockerfile && /kaniko/executor --context /src --no-push --cleanup && ls -l /bin'

Kaniko version :  v1.17.0
total 0
lrwxrwxrwx    1 0        0               11 Oct 18 17:06 sh -> /busybox/sh
FROM scratch
FROM scratch
INFO[0000] No base image, nothing to extract            
INFO[0000] No base image, nothing to extract            
INFO[0000] Built cross stage deps: map[]                
INFO[0000] No base image, nothing to extract            
INFO[0000] Executing 0 build triggers                   
INFO[0000] Building stage 'scratch' [idx: '0', base-idx: '-1'] 
INFO[0000] Skipping unpacking as no commands require it. 
INFO[0000] Deleting filesystem...                       
INFO[0000] No base image, nothing to extract            
INFO[0000] Executing 0 build triggers                   
INFO[0000] Building stage 'scratch' [idx: '1', base-idx: '-1'] 
INFO[0000] Skipping unpacking as no commands require it. 
INFO[0000] Deleting filesystem...                       
INFO[0000] Skipping push to container registry due to --no-push flag 
ls: /bin: No such file or directory
barrykp commented 9 months ago

I have run into what I believe is a similar issue.

I have reproduced this using the executor:debug container with sha: executor@sha256:b6a520e10252cfbb1898cac88d05f4c7c838cf615d1a588ec63a0d415db6c4c0

Before running kaniko I can ls /bin/sh and it's there. Afterwards it is gone.

atorrembo commented 8 months ago

May be related to #2576 ?

DeanHnter commented 7 months ago

Im still experiencing this issue when running kaniko in an alpine base image. I tried multiple alternate ways to ignore some directories but no luck it deletes files in /bin /sbin /usr etc, in the end the container continues to work however the environment breaks in various ways

rcollette commented 3 months ago

Duplicate of