GoogleContainerTools / skaffold

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Images not found in remote registry #3849

Open mabey01 opened 4 years ago

mabey01 commented 4 years ago

Im trying to speed up build time for my project. I have a monorepo inlcuding frontend and backend and use the TreeSha tagger to detect changes made to each component individually. If i make frontend changed, backend is tagged with the same tag as before and therefore should skip the building process, but it doesnt.

Expected behavior

After tagging, skaffold checks cache to see if the image (same tag) already exists and skips build.

Actual behavior

skaffold doesnt find cached image in remote registry and builds it everytime (same tag). When i check in the google cloud registry i can find the image with the exact same tag

Generating tags...
 - api ->$PROJECT_ID/api:da9312ba3078e4020b8eaf8252793f3e3b26e9b9
 - frontend-client ->$PROJECT_ID/frontend-client:e9893689bc634abfcf7869d9f6de0bfa92f5fabe
 - chromecast ->$PROJECT_ID/chromecast:b982cd13d946e4b2dc0884104707540d7ba02a1e
Checking cache...
 - api: Not found. Building
 - frontend: Not found. Building


apiVersion: skaffold/v2alpha4
kind: Config
      variant: TreeSha
    - image: api
      context: ./backend
    - image: frontend
      context: ./frontend
  - name: production
        projectId: $PROJECT_ID

Steps to reproduce the behavior

skaffold build -p production$PROJECT_ID

balopat commented 4 years ago

Thanks for opening this @mabey01 - can you share your Dockerfiles? The way artifact caching works is that we calculate the source digest based of the source files that are the dependencies for the Dockerfile ADD/COPY commands. Does a simple skaffold build twice (without any changes) also result in two rebuilds?

valdestron commented 4 years ago

Having the same issue:

            VERSION=$VERSION_TO_BUILD skaffold build -f skaffold.yaml $services
            VERSION=latest skaffold build -f skaffold.yaml $services
apiVersion: skaffold/v2beta1
kind: Config
  - image:
    context: .
      dockerfile: microservices/api-gateway/Dockerfile
  - image:
    context: .
      dockerfile: microservices/api-gateway-deprecated/Dockerfile
  - image:
    context: .
      dockerfile: microservices/api-gateway-reverse-proxy/Dockerfile
      secretName: jenkins-docker-cfg
    namespace: jx
      template: '{{.IMAGE_NAME}}:{{.VERSION}}'
  kubectl: {}

Skaffold builds 2 times, as I understand caching from remote is not working.

samiracho commented 4 years ago

Having the same issue. I'm tagging all my images with the same tag. For example this Docker image:

FROM golang:1.13.6-alpine3.11 AS builder
COPY xml-envsubst.go .
ENV BUILD_DEPS="gettext=0.20.1-r2"  \
    RUNTIME_DEPS="libintl=0.20.1-r2" \
    GO_ENABLED=0 \

RUN apk add --update $RUNTIME_DEPS && \
    apk add --virtual build_deps $BUILD_DEPS && \
    cp /usr/bin/envsubst /usr/local/bin/envsubst && \
    apk del build_deps

RUN go build -ldflags '-w -s' -a -o /go/bin/xml-envsubst && chmod +x /go/bin/xml-envsubst

FROM alpine:3.11
COPY --from=builder /go/bin/xml-envsubst /bin/xml-envsubst
COPY --from=builder /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/
COPY --from=builder /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/
COPY --from=builder /usr/local/bin/envsubst /bin/envsubst

It's generated always with the same tag:

But skaffold never uses the remote cache:

2020-04-17 15:25:40  Generating tags...
2020-04-17 15:25:40   - xml-envsubst ->
2020-04-17 15:25:40  Checking cache...
2020-04-17 15:25:53   - xml-envsubst: Not found. Building

Edit: I've this issue if I use kaniko. (the skaffold cache file is always empty). If I use dockerCli then cache is working as expected.

tejal29 commented 4 years ago

Edit: I've this issue if I use kaniko. (the skaffold cache file is always empty). If I use dockerCli then cache is working as expected.

@mabey01 seeing this issue with kaniko makes sense. kaniko builds images on cluster. If you want to enable caching, you can use it will cache intermediate layers and push them to remote cache Next time, kaniko builds the image, it will check if the layer exists on remote cache. With kaniko, remote cache is not synced with local skaffold cache.

From the skaffold logs, it will appear cache is not used and maybe this is something skaffold team can work on. However, when image build happens in kaniko pod with --cache=true and --cache-repo=<>, the pod logs will show cache used for unchanged layers.

Hope that explains things a bit.

ngraf commented 1 year ago

I use Skaffold v2.0.4 in 2023 and also have this issue. This would be such a nice feature to speed up development and CI/CD.

ngraf commented 1 year ago

I tried to workaround the problem with command skaffold build -q --dry-run | jq '.builds[].tag' -r | xargs -I {} docker pull {} || true which pulls all images beforehand if they exist. It worked like a charm and after running the images with the exact tags are downloaded and present locally.

But even this workaround does not impress Skaffold. Skaffold still reports Not found. Building :/ .

ngraf commented 1 year ago

I prepared a private GitHub repo that provides steps to reproduce this issue: @balopat

afirth commented 1 year ago

@ngraf et al if you are having this issue using a local docker builder you can try tagger TreeSha or inputDigest and tryImportMissing I notice that you are manually specifying the tags though - asking skaffold to find a cache that it didn't build. not sure how well that will work

I would suggest to close this issue as the original author @mabey01 hasn't replied in 3 years, and the other comments are using a variety of different builders. AFAICT caching is working as intended