GoogleContainerTools / skaffold

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Sync is not working with helm and jib #4191

Open davidfernandezm opened 4 years ago

davidfernandezm commented 4 years ago

Expected behavior

Synced files should work

Actual behavior

No watching or syncing happening, no files going into the pod


apiVersion: skaffold/v1
kind: Config
  - name: qc
        - image: skaffold-qc
          context: '.'
            - src: 'lombok.config'
              dest: /app
            - src: '**/*.config'
              dest: /app
            - src: 'KVP/heyo.txt'
              dest: /app/deploy
          jib: {}
       local: {}
          - name: "{{.USER}}-skaffold-qc"
            chartPath: "skaffold/qumucloud"
              image: skaffold-qc
              redisServerEndpoint: "dev-rds-euw1b-d01"
              redisServerPort: "6379"
            - --install
      statusCheckDeadlineSeconds: 240

Steps to reproduce the behavior

  1. a clonable repository with the sample skaffold project: I cannot reproduce easily in the current project as it has too many folders. If nothing obvious shows up I'll try to extract
  2. skaffold dev --filename skaffold.yml --profile qc --default-repo --cleanup=false -v debug

The debug logs show up changes happening:

DEBU[0708] Change detected notify.Write: "/Users/dfernandez/development/repos/qumu-cloud-fork/qumu-cloud/skaffold/lombok.config"
DEBU[0708] Change detected notify.Write: "/Users/dfernandez/development/repos/qumu-cloud-fork/qumu-cloud/skaffold/lombok.config~"
DEBU[0708] Change detected notify.Create: "/Users/dfernandez/development/repos/qumu-cloud-fork/qumu-cloud/skaffold/lombok.config~"
DEBU[0708] Change detected notify.Remove: "/Users/dfernandez/development/repos/qumu-cloud-fork/qumu-cloud/skaffold/lombok.config~"
DEBU[0709] Using wrapper for gradlew: gradle
DEBU[0709] Found dependencies for jib-gradle artifact: [build.gradle build/libs/com/qumu/cloud/database/UpdateJobProcessorScriptsTableTask.class build/libs/commons-io-2.6.jar build/libs/liquibase-core-3.6.2.jar build/libs/logback-classic-1.2.3.jar build/libs/logback-core-1.2.3.jar build/libs/lombok-1.18.12.jar build/libs/lombok-1.18.4.jar build/libs/mariadb-java-client-2.4.3.jar build/libs/qumu-cloud.war build/libs/slf4j-api-1.7.25.jar build/libs/snakeyaml-1.18.jar database/liquibase/changesets/CLD-5865-pre.sql database/liquibase/changesets/DEV-9588.sql database/liquibase/changesets/DEV-9688.sql database/liquibase/changesets/QC-2323.sql database/liquibase/changesets/QC-2324.sql database/liquibase/changesets/QC-2644.sql database/liquibase/changese

And then more log with all the files detected by jib.

Is there anything obvious I am missing?

The structure is skaffold.yml and in the same folder lombok.config. Just seems the file is not being watched at all.

dgageot commented 4 years ago

ping @GoogleContainerTools/java-tools-build will jib know that lombok.config is a dependency?

loosebazooka commented 4 years ago

Thats interesting. How is the jib build configured? Can you run ./gradlew :<project>:_jibSkaffoldFilesV2 to see which files jib-skaffold is trying to watch? <-- lombok.config should be in here?

davidfernandezm commented 4 years ago

lombok.config is just an example of file that should be synced to the container. It could've been any txt or similar. I run a regular skaffold dev like the above, and the file never reaches the container, neither nothing gets printed in the logs. I scanned many issues around here.

I will try and test your command @loosebazooka and come back

davidfernandezm commented 4 years ago

When using JIB with Skaffold, can't I do then manual sync? all the files should be included as JIB dependencies so skaffold watches them? Could this be the issue?

davidfernandezm commented 4 years ago

@loosebazooka the output of that command is:


So looks like the sync, manual directive hasn't added that file to watch. I don't wanna track the files I've put in that directive through JIB, I just would like them sync-ed to the running container, not getting them to make the container rebuild.

loosebazooka commented 4 years ago

yeah unfortunately the way sync works, even in manual mode (@dgageot?) is that only files that are watched can be sync'd.

There are some workarounds here, but do require you to track the files in the build.gradle(not necessarily include them in the build thought)

The skaffold config block in the jib block allows you to kinda modify what information jib presents to skaffold.

so you could do something from ( like:

jib {
  skaffold {
    files {
      includes = ["lombok.config", "syncables/"]

and this wont affect your jib build (so these files aren't added to the container in the way that extraDirectories would), but will only modify the output of _jibSkaffoldFilesV2. It does affect how skaffold detects rebuilds though (which would be shortcircuited by your sync directives anyway?).

You could probably use some directory structures here to do what you want without having to change your config much?

NOTE: that sync block in the jib.skaffold config linked above is only applicable for sync:auto mode in skaffold

davidfernandezm commented 4 years ago

Thanks a lot @loosebazooka. I am very close to get something working properly, main issues atm with your workaround:

loosebazooka commented 4 years ago

no files get synced when changing them

So in this case, do you mean you're changing the .java files? is the KVP/**/*.class path populated by some external build process that you are triggering?

I can't use 'auto' in Skaffold sync, this is a WAR project and it's not support (obscure error message)

Hrmm... maybe we should clean this up. Thanks for the feedback

davidfernandezm commented 4 years ago

Thanks for taking the time @loosebazooka,

KVP/**/*.class is indeed populated by IntelliJ IDEA compiling Java code.

Let me try to ellaborate the use case and see if I could use skaffold as a single tool for it:

Thanks a lot for the dedication to the tool, it's great and a game changer for this team.

loosebazooka commented 4 years ago

It sounds like you're doing everything right. I think I need to try this out locally to maybe figure out what's going on. Developers on holiday for the next 4 days, so might be slow.

loosebazooka commented 4 years ago

So when recreating this I had to do a few things to get it to work in the way I think you want it to work. (I was using a springboot sample with springboot-devtools, but this should work for wars if configured similarly)


  - image:
      type: gradle
        - src: "intellij-out/classes/**/*.class"
          dest: /app/classes/
          strip: "intellij-out/classes"

So when I do an intellij build, the intellij compiled classes are sent over to the remote container. I used strip to get the classes to go to the right place (which I'm not sure but maybe you need?)

jib (build.gradle)

jib {
  skaffold {
    watch {
      includes = ["intellij-out/classes"]
      excludes = ["src"]

I needed to ignore src because any changes to java files would trigger a full gradle jib rebuild. <-- perhaps this is the one thing that you need to add to your config?

davidfernandezm commented 4 years ago

I managed to get this working using your workaround, thanks a lot @loosebazooka. I am going to gather feedback from the team (specially frontend due to their workflows) and see if works for everyone. I will then close this issue. I think this is a nice workaround that would probably be outlined in the File Sync docs?

tejal29 commented 4 years ago

Thanks @davidfernandezm. We will work on adding docs