I'm using firebase-collection in the declaration of a custom element.
I first import firebase-collection.html:
<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/firebase-element/firebase-collection.html">
Then I call it in the template:
<firebase-collection location="https://whatever.url.com" data="{{data}}"></firebase-collection>
if I run the code issuing "gulp serve", the app runs without a single problem.
But if I build the dist, the following error shows:
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL at index.build.js.
Code inspector points to line 45 at:
Could this be a firebase-collection bug that causes gulp-vulcanize to left the minification/uglification incomplete?
I'm using firebase-collection in the declaration of a custom element.
I first import firebase-collection.html:
<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/firebase-element/firebase-collection.html">
Then I call it in the template:
<firebase-collection location="https://whatever.url.com" data="{{data}}"></firebase-collection>
if I run the code issuing "gulp serve", the app runs without a single problem. But if I build the dist, the following error shows:
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL at index.build.js. Code inspector points to line 45 at:
Could this be a firebase-collection bug that causes gulp-vulcanize to left the minification/uglification incomplete?