GoogleWebComponents / google-recaptcha

Google reCAPTCHA element
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demonstrate usage inside a form #11

Open jab opened 8 years ago

jab commented 8 years ago

The demo at (click "DEMO" in the upper right) demonstrates different flavors of the captcha (default, dark, and audio), but they're all shown in isolation, i.e. not in the context of a containing form, which is the most common place captchas are needed.

Would you consider adding an example to the demo of a google-recaptcha inside an iron-form, fully integrated into the form's overall validity state? (Bonus points for a paper submit button whose disabled state is bound to the form's validity.)

Figuring out how to adapt a default recaptcha to dark or audio is straightforward to newcomers, but figuring out how to hook it into an iron-form isn't, so it'd be a great improvement to the demo to show this.

Thanks for your consideration and for the great work on Polymer.

jab commented 8 years ago

Just to give a little more background, here is iron-form's validate function:

    validate: function() {
      var valid = true;
      // Validate all the custom elements.
      var validatable;
      for (var el, i = 0; el = this._customElements[i], i < this._customElements.length; i++) {
        if (el.required && !el.disabled) {
          validatable = /** @type {{validate: (function() : boolean)}} */ (el);
          // Some elements may not have correctly defined a validate method.
          if (validatable.validate)
            valid = !!validatable.validate() && valid;
      // Validate the form's native elements.
      for (var el, i = 0; el = this.elements[i], i < this.elements.length; i++) {
        // Custom elements that extend a native element will also appear in
        // this list, but they've already been validated.
        if (!el.hasAttribute('is') && el.willValidate && el.checkValidity && {
          valid = el.checkValidity() && valid;
      return valid;

When a <google-recaptcha> is in an iron-form, it does not get added to _customElements automatically, so its validity is not checked in the first loop. Then, when the second loop attempts to iterate over the form's native elements, it ends up including the <textarea id="g-recaptcha-response"...> in the recaptcha's shadow dom, whose checkValidity() method is called and appears to be returning true even when the puzzle has not been solved. WTF?

cbalit commented 8 years ago

Making the captcha works with iron-form need some work because it needs to implement IronFormElementBehavior. Anyway i've updated my demo file to show usage in a form with some basic javascript calls. You can' find it here The gh-page is not updated because i have some trouble with script. Hope it will help.

jab commented 8 years ago

Hi @cbalit, thanks so much for taking a look. Indeed, I'm specifically asking about deeper integration with iron-form (via IronFormElementBehavior and IronValidatableBehavior), so just demoing how to enable a submit button imperatively on successful captcha response doesn't help with demonstrating a live binding of the captcha's validity state to the form's overall validity state (captcha invalid -> form invalid; captcha and all other validatables valid -> form valid). Is implementing this deeper integration very tricky? I'm super new to Polymer but happy to take a crack at a PR if you can provide guidance and review.

cbalit commented 8 years ago

@jab I don't think it will be tricky to implement those behaviours. I will be happy to review any PR even if I'm not a crack :). Feel free to ask if you have any questions or remarks.

jab commented 8 years ago

Core devs, please see the PR I just submitted for this -- #12 -- and let me know what you think!

cbalit commented 8 years ago

@jab i look at your PR and it looks great.

Good job


jab commented 8 years ago

Thanks for reviewing @cbalit! I just added a few more commits and responded to your comments over at #12 -- should we move discussion there?