GoogleWebComponents / google-signin

Google Sign-in web component
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Auth error with Chrome extension: Invalid Cookie Policy #102

Open yaraju opened 9 years ago

yaraju commented 9 years ago

When using google-sign-in on Chrome extension, loading the page directly like so:


With the following tag in my custom element:

<google-signin client-id="myextensionclientId" scopes="" width="iconOnly" brand="short"></google-signin>

I get the following error::

Error: Uncaught gapi.auth2.ExternallyVisibleError: Invalid cookiePolicy

tY  @   cb=gapi.loaded_0:120
_.hN    @   cb=gapi.loaded_0:133
AuthEngine.initAuth2    @   google-signin-aware.html.0.js:139
(anonymous function)    @   api.js?onload=https___apis_google_com_js_api_js_onload___callback___api_loaded:7
ga  @   api.js?onload=https___apis_google_com_js_api_js_onload___callback___api_loaded:1
v.(anonymous function).b    @   api.js?onload=https___apis_google_com_js_api_js_onload___callback___api_loaded:7
v.(anonymous function)  @   api.js?onload=https___apis_google_com_js_api_js_onload___callback___api_loaded:7
I.(anonymous function)  @   api.js?onload=https___apis_google_com_js_api_js_onload___callback___api_loaded:7
(anonymous function)    @   cb=gapi.loaded_0:1
yaraju commented 9 years ago

Subsequently a red icon with no "g" shows up. On Clicking the red button, I get the following error:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'currentUser' of nullAuthEngine.signIn @ google-signin-aware.html.0.js:326Polymer.signIn @ google-signin-aware.html.0.js:493Polymer.signIn @ google-signin.html.0.js:407handler @ polymer.html.0.js:361decorated @ polymer.html.0.js:3119
ebidel commented 9 years ago

My suspicion is that this is an issue with the Google Signin API not working from chrome-extension:// origin. cc @Zoramite

Scarygami commented 9 years ago

Yes, gapi generally doesn't get along well with Chrome extensions, see for example:

The preferred way for authentication inside of Chrome extensions is the Chrome Identity API which would probably be out-of-scope for this element.

yaraju commented 9 years ago

I suppose an alternative would be to somehow proxy these calls through the background script, so that the element just gets the status, or a Sign-in button to trigger auth flow on the background script

But this would probably fall within the scope of a separate set of extensions that work on Chrome Apps/Extensions, and not within the core GoogleWebComponents? Is there a more appropriate place where I can put in or track a request for such a set of components from the Polymer team? (Or would that be the Chrome team?)

addyosmani commented 9 years ago

I think the Chrome Identity API wouldn't be the best fit here - agree on it being out of scope. The element should focus on the 90% use-case. We could (potentially) document some of the workarounds needed if operating in an extensions world, but imo my take is we should avoid baking in workarounds here into the element itself.

JeffPinkston commented 8 years ago

I'm getting the exact same errors during build and onClick() when I run my Polymer project on my device using Cordova. Is that related? The code works as expected when I run locally on my desktop.

atotic commented 8 years ago

Could you use oauth2 the way it is intended for installed applications in this use case?

That would be a nice addition to google-signin, it is not an uncommon request, and we could hide the differences under the hood.

srikanta72 commented 4 years ago

I am getting the same error.

harleenarora commented 2 years ago

how to solved this issue, on chrome extension.