GoogleWebComponents / google-signin

Google Sign-in web component
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Move to iron-flex-layout-classes #134

Closed jeffposnick closed 8 years ago

jeffposnick commented 8 years ago

As far as I can tell, the PolymerElements/iron-flex-layout was never used in the 1.x rewrite.

There's a carryover with the old-style <div relative layout horizontal center-center> attributes that I'm also removing, since they're no-ops in 1.x.

I'm assuming that this is just some cruft leftover from the 1.x migration.

The button looks unchanged to me (though you need to resolve #133 before you can test it locally).

Closes #132

jeffposnick commented 8 years ago

Hmm, @Scarygami's comment led to me to the class="fit" that was being used for the <paper-material>. It was already broken in 1.x, but I should take this opportunity to fix it.

Update to this PR coming.

jeffposnick commented 8 years ago

As @Scarygami pointed out, there's class="fit" being used in this element. So instead of removing the iron-flex-layout entirely, I moved to the new 1.3 approach, with the iron-flex-layout/iron-flex-layout-classes.html import and the <style is="custom-style" include="iron-positioning"></style>

This will get rid of the deprecation warning, and as a bonus, the raised attribute works again—it was broken in 1.x, which is why I didn't notice that class="fit" originally.

jeffposnick commented 8 years ago


(And I was mistaken when I said that raised wasn't working in master—it was working, and now should still work with the new custom styles.)

ebidel commented 8 years ago