GoogleWebComponents / google-signin

Google Sign-in web component
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has anyone got a working example of google sign-in ? #173

Open gordonisnz opened 4 years ago

gordonisnz commented 4 years ago

The Google sign-in documentation needs to be improved.

the video (top right) mentions a sample code of a (presumably) WORKING script. i cant find this sample code - only lines of "bits" of code - but not a full working script.

When i follow the examples & add my lines I'm getting lots of errors (I start from scratch again & get new problems)

a) i can log ina gain - but the log-out doesnt work b) i can log in ONE time, log out - but if i log in again - it brings up a google pop-up box (with my email addresses) - but this pop-up box is BLANK, with no addresses. it dissapears/closes after 1 second. c) when i ORIGINALLY got it to work, the BUTTON said that i was logged-in, but i had to manually refresh the screen so my test website could read the cookies.

d) your above page doesn't show anything about setting cookies - or sending information to a (PHP) script..

Please can someone advise a URL of a full working example but with MINIMAL html code (your usual help pages have 100's of lines of CSS / javascript code to make the pages look nice, but have nothing to do with the code/examples you are trying to explain. )

EDIT: I'm trying to add google sign-in to

Right now if i click sign-in, it brings up a box & it dissapears (<< EDITED WORD) without me selecting an email address. I havnt been able to log out.