I'm not sure if this is an error on my part since I have tried most flags to try to get rid of related videos that popup just before video ends... does anyone know how to remove them? I know rel is for videos that appear after the video ends, but there doesn't seem to be one for the ones right before it ends. Thanks.
These are the flags I currently have set:
<google-youtube id="googleYouTube" video-id={{videoData.id}} currenttime={{currentTime}} height="100%" width="100%" autoplay="0" disablekb="1" controls="0" autohide="0" iv_load_policy="3" rel="0">
I'm not sure if this is an error on my part since I have tried most flags to try to get rid of related videos that popup just before video ends... does anyone know how to remove them? I know
is for videos that appear after the video ends, but there doesn't seem to be one for the ones right before it ends. Thanks.These are the flags I currently have set:
<google-youtube id="googleYouTube" video-id={{videoData.id}} currenttime={{currentTime}} height="100%" width="100%" autoplay="0" disablekb="1" controls="0" autohide="0" iv_load_policy="3" rel="0">