GooseMod / OpenAsar

Open-source alternative of Discord desktop's app.asar
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Discord PTB wrong path #62

Closed AppleMangoOrange closed 2 years ago

AppleMangoOrange commented 2 years ago

Installing for Discord PTB directs it to the wrong path. It should be corrected in the batch file.

CanadaHonk commented 2 years ago

What's the wrong path it uses now? What's the correct path?

AppleMangoOrange commented 2 years ago

image Currently it is "%localappdata%\Discordfor Discord PTB\Update.exe" Whereas it should be "%localappdata%\DiscordPTB\Update.exe" It worked after I made this change in the batch file

Fuzuki785 commented 2 years ago

Current script's start (edit: and TASKKILLs) command is indeed wrong. Here it is, freshly downloaded:

@echo off

C:\Windows\System32\TASKKILL.exe /f /im Discordfor Discord PTB.exe
C:\Windows\System32\TASKKILL.exe /f /im Discordfor Discord PTB.exe
C:\Windows\System32\TASKKILL.exe /f /im Discordfor Discord PTB.exe

C:\Windows\System32\TIMEOUT.exe /t 5 /nobreak

copy /y "%localappdata%\DiscordPTB\app-1.0.1013\resources\app.asar" "%localappdata%\DiscordPTB\app-1.0.1013\resources\app.asar.backup"

powershell -Command "Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile \"$Env:LOCALAPPDATA\DiscordPTB\app-1.0.1013\resources\app.asar\""

start "" "%localappdata%\Discordfor Discord PTB\Update.exe" --processStart Discordfor Discord PTB.exe

goto 2>nul & del "%~f0"
CanadaHonk commented 2 years ago
