if I wanted to add the current product price as an additional cache tag to the function
$_product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($productId));
$cacheTags[] = sha1($_product->getFinalPrice());
Would that be enough to have a new product price automatically a new key and cache-item triggered or is there another spot in the code that would need adjustment?
(the price change is not necessarily due to an magento action which can be observed)
I dont mind having to use more keys used and larger cache on disk stored
if I wanted to add the current product price as an additional cache tag to the function getCatalogProductViewCacheTags. $_product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($productId)); $cacheTags[] = sha1($_product->getFinalPrice());
Would that be enough to have a new product price automatically a new key and cache-item triggered or is there another spot in the code that would need adjustment?
(the price change is not necessarily due to an magento action which can be observed) I dont mind having to use more keys used and larger cache on disk stored