GordonLesti / Lesti_Fpc

Simple Magento Fullpagecache
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added GA tracking params to uri params #313

Closed sprankhub closed 6 years ago

sprankhub commented 6 years ago

see https://support.google.com/ds/answer/6292795?hl=de

GordonLesti commented 6 years ago

@sprankhub thank you very much for the PR.

AndresInSpace commented 4 years ago

I'm a bit confused why this was merged into the default URI params?

These tracking params utm, glic, gclsrc, etc, have nothing to do with how the page is generated in magento, so they should not need to be cached params..

Correct me if I'm wrong here, but based on that it seems that adding them to the default is just adding more cache hits for no reason?

sprankhub commented 4 years ago

Adding them to the default means that these params will be ignored during cache storage / retrieval. Hence, we have more cache hits, which is always a good idea :)

AndresInSpace commented 4 years ago

um.. I think either I'm confused still or you are mistaken.

They should just be removed completely from uri params should they not?.. https://gordonlesti.com/lesti-fpc-and-miss-uri-params/

https://gordonlesti.com/what-are-uri-params-in-lesti-fpc/ per Gordon reply in #274

Hello @sprankhub yes Uri Params are used to create different entries in the cache depending on the value of those parameters. I guess Magento is just keeping the parameters in the links if the argument $params of Mage::getUrl contains '_current' => true. Unfortunately is that the case in Mage_Catalog_Model_Layer_Filter_Item::getUrl. I guess @Webmasterei had the same issue with the parameter adword. I am not sure how to solve such a problem, but I guess adding adword, utm_source, etc. to Uri Params is not the best solution, cause it will increases the _MISS_s, decreases the _HIT_s and blows up the cache size dramatically.

I'm under the impression here that any params in the 'Uri Param' list are explicitly used in the hash generated key to ID the FPC for that specific URI and any other params in the current uri are not explicitly included in that hash generation.. they are just not considered but if a param is in URI that is in the miss uri params it causes an explicit cache miss.

sprankhub commented 4 years ago

@AndresInSpace sorry for the late reply! You are right. However, adding them to the default URI params is also right :-) See https://github.com/GordonLesti/Lesti_Fpc/issues/274#issuecomment-264852651:

The reason why there should be different versions of these pages is that Magento, by default, keeps the URI params in links to other pages. If you e.g. call a category page with a param a=b in the URL, the link to the second page of the category will also include the param a=b.