GordonLesti / Lesti_Fpc

Simple Magento Fullpagecache
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the minicart...extra_actions #339

Closed nordcomputer closed 5 years ago

nordcomputer commented 5 years ago

Although i got the minicart working, i face some problems getting the "extra_actions" loaded. I implemented paypal express checkout and amazon payments - seems, like the block is cached and i tried to put "extra_actions" into the dynamic blocks section - but thats not working. Any ideas about that? In the phtml file, it seems to be this command, that makes the problems: <?php echo $this->getChildHtml('extra_actions') ?>

nordcomputer commented 5 years ago

the extra actions are only visible after an ajax refresh of the minicart - changing the quantity for example. But not after just adding a product to the cart. It drives me crazy xD

nordcomputer commented 5 years ago

solved the problem (kind of) - i had to put the content of extra_actions (paypal express button and amazon pay button) into the xml-block of the minicart itself (directly after the item-renderer) into an own extra_actions block (name="cart_sidebar.extrapayments" as="extra_actions") to prevent the buttons from loading twice after cart-ajax-update. Hope this helps someone later.