GorgonUK / Modern-Dropzone-PCF

Modern Dropzone component for Dynamics365 that integrates with Notes and SharePoint OOTB
MIT License
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Add Configuration Options for SharePoint in PCF #9

Open PowerThomas opened 1 week ago

PowerThomas commented 1 week ago


I would like to request the addition of configuration options in the PCF control for attachments to enhance its usability and flexibility. The requested features include:

  1. Enable/Disable SharePoint Option: Allow the Maker to decide whether the option to use SharePoint as the storage location is available to end users.
  2. Predefine SharePoint Location: When SharePoint is enabled, provide a configuration setting to predefine the SharePoint location. This removes the need for end users to select a SharePoint location, thereby streamlining the process and reducing potential errors.


  1. Improved Control: Makers will have more control over how attachments are managed, ensuring consistency across the application.
  2. Enhanced User Experience: End users will experience a more straightforward and error-free process when dealing with attachments, as the SharePoint location can be predefined.
  3. Reduced Configuration Overhead: By allowing Makers to predefine settings, the configuration process becomes more efficient and less prone to mistakes.

Implementation Suggestions

  1. Add a toggle option in the PCF control configuration to enable or disable the SharePoint option.
  2. Include a field in the configuration settings where the SharePoint location can be specified by the Maker when the SharePoint option is enabled.
GorgonUK commented 1 week ago

Thank you for your suggestions, Thomas.

Both are excellent ideas. I will work through this to fit your request in the next release.

You are also welcome to contribute by creating a new branch.