GoshPosh / grafana-meta-queries

Grafana plugin for calculating time period metrics like week over week, month over month and year over year etc.
Apache License 2.0
285 stars 71 forks source link

Grafana 7 #104

Closed meyerder closed 3 years ago

meyerder commented 4 years ago

I cant seem to get this to work on Grafana 7.0 even when it is a signed plugin

mazamsezer commented 4 years ago

Same here. I installed Grafana Enterpeise 7. I had one dashboard with three panels having MetaQueries, working on 6:latest (I am using Docker) which stopped working on Enterprise 7.

It says cannot read the length of null or something similiar. As I do not have access to my PC at the moment, I cannot give you the exact error.

Is there anything I can do to make it work?

meyerder commented 4 years ago

Yep I was/am running enterprise as well at this time but it appears on the community edition on 7 as well

On Tue, Jul 14, 2020 at 12:30 PM mazamsezer notifications@github.com wrote:

Same here. I installed Grafana Enterpeise 7. I had one dashboard with three panels having MetaQueries, working on 6:latest (I am using Docker) which stopped working on Enterprise 7.

It says cannot read the length of null or something similiar. As I do not have access to my PC at the moment, I cannot give you the exact error.

Is there anything I can do make it work?

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Gauravshah commented 4 years ago

I tried on community edition sometime back and I was able to get it working on local. Will give it a shot. Can you paste in screenshot meanwhile

gonfunko commented 4 years ago

I'm seeing what I think is the same issue after updating Grafana; my config was previously working. Error message and queries are attached.

Screen Shot 2020-07-16 at 9 25 50 PM Screen Shot 2020-07-16 at 9 27 26 PM
DerAndereAndi commented 4 years ago

@gonfunko happens here on 7.1 as well. Grafana 7.0.x works fine with the current version. So there must be changes in 7.1 regarding how plugins works.

Gauravshah commented 4 years ago

verified it works with 7.0.3, but doesn't work with 7.1.x. Release notes don't have any breaking changes. Will look into and get back in couple of days

meyerder commented 4 years ago

I must be doing something wrong.. I set it to mixed (7.02) and tell it to leverage Query A... Cannot set property 'hide' of undefined

meyerder commented 4 years ago

Figured out how to reopen...

cjs226 commented 4 years ago

Same, not working on 7.0.5.

arigit commented 3 years ago

Same issue on 7.1.1 enterprise - missing this great plugin

earth08 commented 3 years ago

I have same issue, When selecting metaqueries as datasource, no data is displayed. Well hope everything gets fixed asap. I am using grafana 7.1.1 as docker provided by frenk as addon for home assistant.

Gauravshah commented 3 years ago

This seems to be fixed in 7.1.3 [

Screenshot 2020-08-12 at 5 15 49 AM


arigit commented 3 years ago

@Gauravshah I confirm the same, I can now add metaqueries to my panels.

However, at least in the moving average case, the behavior with Moving Averages seems weird, it seems to be just scaling down the main graph by a factor equal to the amount of periods I choose for the average. E.g. if I select Periods = 2, the "moving average" graph is the same as the main graph by divided by two. WIth Period = 4:




Could this be a bug?

Gauravshah commented 3 years ago

@arigit can you open a different ticket ? was this working before ? can you post a screenshot with data in table form ? that will better help us compare numbers also Moving Average computes over last 4 days ( for period =4) and not last 4 data points

arigit commented 3 years ago

Thanks @Gauravshah - I will open a ticket later today and attach the data. This wasn't working before, I'm new to this plugin and it seems to fit my needs perfectly if I can get it to work. My challenge is that I'm trying to apply it to an IP bandwidth graph that is sampled once every 10 seconds, so a 1-day moving average won't cut it. In the IP/networks world 5-minute moving averages are most common and this is what I was trying to obtain with the addon. I tried using fractional numbers in the Period fields but that didn't work either. We can continue the discussing in the new ticket.

Gauravshah commented 3 years ago

we added support for timeshiftUnits I think we need to add same for Moving Average that should fix your issue. https://github.com/GoshPosh/grafana-meta-queries/pull/62/files

arigit commented 3 years ago

Opened #107; I believe #104 has been solved

@Gauravshah yes it seems my ask is exactly the same that was done for TimeShift, but applied to MovingAverage, so I named the #107 following the same naming convention you used (i.e. migration from "Period" (days) to "MovingAverageUnits")

earth08 commented 3 years ago

@Gauravshah I am using grafana as docker as homeassistant addon. Latest version of grafana 7.1.4 installed as addon. Meta queries doesn't work. Please someone can guide me to get this work. Thanks

DerAndereAndi commented 3 years ago

@Gauravshah it seems to work with the Grafana sample data, but existing panels don't work and creating a new panel with other data sources don't seem to work. Does this happen for you as well?

IstvanPeter commented 3 years ago

We have some dashboards where we have to compare the data with an earlier state and it worked till version 7.0.x.

Reproduce steps: Create a chart with MetaQuery and select datasource for the Query "A" a Cloudwatch datasource. Select one of the native metrics Add a Query with datasource "MetaQuery" and set the metric name of the Query "A"

You get "Cannot read property 'forEach' of undefined" error image

zhukaiqiang commented 3 years ago

7.1.5 Meta-Queries still cannot be used

earth08 commented 3 years ago

Same here not working with 7.1.5

Chris-Tophski commented 3 years ago

Just updated to Grafana 7.1.5 and updated all plugins. Earlier, MetaQueries caused browser crashes quite often in my case, so I stopped using it, but now I wanted to give it another try after a while. Now, my panels with MetaQueries involved completely stopped working with several different error messages, but without crashes, so far.

Currently, I only see "resultByQuery.data is undefined", but I also saw some similar to them of the other folks here. In my case this is a Graph Panel with a set of 10 InfluxQL queries, where 9 of them are aggregated by a MetaQueries Arithmetic expression. The other query that is not involved in the aggregation does return data as far as I can see in the Query Inspector, but it doesn't end up in the Graph Panel. Even when I disable the aggregation query, the other InfluxQL query is not drawn and I still get the error. I also disabled the 9 source queries before, to only show the result in the panel, which was a pretty neat property/feature of the plugin and I hope this will be kept this way.

fe111x commented 3 years ago


same Problem for me with Grafana 7.1.5 Would urgently need meta-queries again.

nadanasser commented 3 years ago

same here on Grafana 7.1.5, arithmetic option would sort lot of work with me

Willshield commented 3 years ago

Hi, I can't use CloudWatch datasource with meta-queries in Grafana 7.1.5 also.

fadjar340 commented 3 years ago

So do I....

arteck commented 3 years ago

sry.. but with influxDB works not.. after merge both PR's in my repo grafik

WafflesMcDuff commented 3 years ago

Still having this problem in Grafana 7.1.5 with InfluxDB data source

WafflesMcDuff commented 3 years ago

Do we have an ETA on this? We're still waiting to get this functionality back.

unbalanced commented 3 years ago

Such a shame, many cloudwatch dashboards stoped working. Would love to understand if this is going to get fixed or should i find another solution to run my timeshift graphs on cloudwatch metrics..

WafflesMcDuff commented 3 years ago

Any news on 7.1.5 compatibility? Anyone found an alternate plugin to use in the meanwhile? This is killing me on objectives set by my leaders.

WafflesMcDuff commented 3 years ago

Just noticed that #118 is supposed to fix compatibility with Grafana 7.x.x I'll report back once we've tested.

ssakuh commented 3 years ago


Still broken on 7.1.7.


Please let us know if there is an update.

Gauravshah commented 3 years ago

@ssakuh have you tried latest version from git ? Latest version is not released on grafana due to signing issues.

WafflesMcDuff commented 3 years ago

@ssakuh have you tried latest version from git ? Latest version is not released on grafana due to signing issues.

Do we know when Grafana will certify this release?

Gauravshah commented 3 years ago

@WafflesMcDuff can you verify the fix so that we can close the issue.

please follow thread here for 0.0.4 release https://github.com/grafana/grafana-plugin-repository/pull/827

WafflesMcDuff commented 3 years ago

@Gauravshah unfortunately, my metrics team will not install it until Grafana has certified it. I'll see if I can get them to install it in a test environment.

eloykramar commented 3 years ago

Hello, I downloaded and installed the latest version from git (https://github.com/GoshPosh/grafana-meta-queries/archive/0.0.4.tar.gz) but still not work in grafana 7.0.6.

This is my initial metric (mysql datasource)


When try add timeshift -> error:


When try add arithmetic -> no error, but nothing can be seen:

grafana-meta-query-3 grafana-meta-query-4

Do you see something wrong? Thanks in advance.

Gauravshah commented 3 years ago

Your panel source is mixed. It should be meta queries.

On Fri, 29 Jan 2021 at 2:51 AM, Eloy Kramar notifications@github.com wrote:

Hello, I downloaded and installed the latest version from git ( https://github.com/GoshPosh/grafana-meta-queries/archive/0.0.4.tar.gz) but still not work in grafana 7.0.6.

This is my initial metric (mysql datasource) [image: grafana-meta-query-1] https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1668933/106199416-352b0d00-6194-11eb-815f-f3442db34a01.png

When try add timeshift -> error: [image: grafana-meta-query-2] https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1668933/106199556-60156100-6194-11eb-8571-a1b760132317.png

When try add arithmetic -> no error, but nothing can be seen -> [image: grafana-meta-query-3] https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1668933/106199608-7b806c00-6194-11eb-8926-7ae3ebb1b1fe.png [image: grafana-meta-query-4] https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1668933/106199622-7f13f300-6194-11eb-9569-60d1f5614b26.png

Do you see something wrong? Thanks in advance.

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eloykramar commented 3 years ago

Sorry for my bad, with that it works perfect! Thanks.

zebardy commented 3 years ago

Hi, is there any update on when the fix for this will be signed?

Many thanks

WafflesMcDuff commented 3 years ago

Yes. Our grafana team says they won't implement this until the release is signed by Grafana. @Gauravshah - where do you stand on getting the release signed?

WafflesMcDuff commented 3 years ago

Yes. Our grafana team says they won't implement this until the release is signed by Grafana. @Gauravshah - where do you stand on getting the release signed?


Gauravshah commented 3 years ago

closing this issue as grafana 7 compatibility is fixed. opening a different issue https://github.com/GoshPosh/grafana-meta-queries/issues/120 for signing

matanbaruch commented 3 years ago


Still does not work as expected

Grafana v7.3.4