GoshPosh / grafana-meta-queries

Grafana plugin for calculating time period metrics like week over week, month over month and year over year etc.
Apache License 2.0
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Does MetaQueries work without aliases? #130

Closed CGavrila closed 3 years ago

CGavrila commented 3 years ago

Hello. 👋

I have two queries in a Mixed dashboard, one from BigQuery and one from Prometheus.

What I want to do is have the results divided using MetaQueries, such that I basically get query A / query B as a graph.


My best guess at this point is that A / B doesn't simply work, so I would need something like A['cost'] / B['sessions'], but that doesn't seem to work either.

Since I have no options of setting aliases for the queries (that I can see), how could I use MetaQueries in this scenario?

Gauravshah commented 3 years ago

whats your panel's datasource ?

CGavrila commented 3 years ago

@Gauravshah Thank you for your answer.

If you mean the C panel, then that should be a MetaQueries panel. I click on Add query on the top right, then select MetaQueries.

Gauravshah commented 3 years ago

can you take a full page screenshot and send it acroos ?

CGavrila commented 3 years ago

@Gauravshah Sure, this should be it.


Gauravshah commented 3 years ago

it says mixed at top. it should be meta-quereis

CGavrila commented 3 years ago

@Gauravshah You were absolutely correct. Thank you so much for your help, I tried for hours!

For anyone else struggling with this, my queries now look like this:
