GoshPosh / grafana-meta-queries

Grafana plugin for calculating time period metrics like week over week, month over month and year over year etc.
Apache License 2.0
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Difference Memory with MetaQueries #90

Closed Claudiocre closed 4 years ago

Claudiocre commented 4 years ago

Hi all, sorry for my spupid ask, but I am new in this world. Moreover I have simil problem of this iussue . I want see the difference of the memory used from two query with the plugin zabbix. indeed I have implemented two query, one with the Total Memory and the second con Free Memory. in the third query (MetaQuery) I want see the difference. How I can resolve this problem? Grafana MetaQueries

Gauravshah commented 4 years ago

panel data source should not be Mixed It should be metaqueries

Claudiocre commented 4 years ago

I have change the DataSource and now it's visible, sorry for the my naivety