GoshPosh / grafana-meta-queries

Grafana plugin for calculating time period metrics like week over week, month over month and year over year etc.
Apache License 2.0
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Does the plugin work with grafana v6.7 and above?? #95

Closed apoorva-marisomaradhya closed 4 years ago

apoorva-marisomaradhya commented 4 years ago


I deployed the plugin on our grafana v6.7.1 and tested out with cloudwatch & prometheus datasource, tests didn't not give any result. Any help would be appreciated.

Have attached the screenshot of dashboard I was working on.


Gauravshah commented 4 years ago

Prometheus does have issues and we have not spent time on it. Cloudwatch does work. Looking at the panel I don't find anything aboivious.

can you try console.log(A) in the B's expression and then verify on console what does it print.

Gauravshah commented 4 years ago

looks like there are breaking changes https://github.com/grafana/grafana/releases/tag/v6.7.0-beta1. We have not tested it on 6.7. The latest we have tested is 6.5.2

apoorva-marisomaradhya commented 4 years ago

Tried console.log(A), still no data.

Gauravshah commented 4 years ago

that would print in web browser's console

benjaminsaurusrex commented 4 years ago

@Gauravshah - are there any plans to make this work with 6.7+? I've also tested numerous flavors of console logging to no avail. Would love to use this if possible.

Gauravshah commented 4 years ago

@benjaminsaurusrex we wouldn't be able to get to it in next 4-6 weeks. we should be able to look after that.

Gauravshah commented 4 years ago

tested works on grafana 7.0.3