GospelBG / ChatPointsTTV

Integrate your world with your Twitch stream. Minecraft in-game interactions through Twitch Channel Points, Bits, Subs and more!
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[REQUEST] adding a {twitchname} to being able to use the subber username in commands ? or maybe is it already doable ? #18

Open Iserion opened 2 months ago

Iserion commented 2 months ago

Hello, i'm using custom commands to summon monsters with custom NBT tags, could you add maybe a {twitchname} that we could use in command, to summon monster with the name of the person who subbed or buy reward with channel points.

Iserion commented 1 month ago

up ?

GospelBG commented 1 month ago

Sorry for the late response. I'll take into account your suggestion and implement it in the next update. Thanks for your contribution!