Goten87 / Project-BlizzLike

Project Blizzlike
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ICC ship fight and boss after #5

Open Goten87 opened 10 years ago

Goten87 commented 10 years ago

can be only my server but the ship fight is not working at all its just exploding stuff up there where the ship needs to lay and no ship at all also the next boss ever ship is not working at my server he is not trigert by anythink and the loot chest is alrdy there

DarkAngel39 commented 10 years ago

Yes, the gunship battle needs core support. This can't be done in LUA because the transports are not handled in instances. And the Deathbringer needs a boss script. The script I am working now is for the instance as objects, teleports and so on.

Goten87 commented 10 years ago

oke thats fine then ^^ glad u are willing to help making a good scripts base for people ^^ think i will also make a forum post on arcemu to thiss project

btw why can i sent u prive massages on arcemu forum

DarkAngel39 commented 10 years ago

Don't know, maybe the settings are bad. Will take a look at it in a moment.

Goten87 commented 10 years ago

Btw do u mind if i add more scripts of u to my download pack like the World Pvp - Silithus script u made

DarkAngel39 commented 10 years ago

Not at all. That is the reason I made that repo. Many arcemu databases have them added. EDIT: Not sure what is going on with my arcemu profile, it all looks fine. Anyway, if you still can't send PM, this place isn't bad for communication.

Goten87 commented 10 years ago

yeah i know i wanned to invite u to my prive server when i put it online its just a test server and i have made a nice file for updating my scripts and reload server so donno if u have a server of your own to test on my is not online 24/7 btw its just a old pc next to me haha

DarkAngel39 commented 10 years ago

I just start the core on my computer when I need to test the scripts. Don't have anything public and never owned a private server. I only helped some people from a wow server that I occasionally play in with their development. But that is wow 5.0.5 emulator and is nowhere near arcemu compatibility (and I can't provide anyone else with the code). Anyway, it is just a hobby, sometimes I don't deal with any kind of development stuff for weeks.

Goten87 commented 10 years ago

haha oke well if u want to go on my server to test it in action you can do it on my server when its on and its on when i'm awake most of the time

think we are in same timezone so

DarkAngel39 commented 10 years ago

Testing is not a problem, lots of scripting is in the way :D Anyway, tomorrow will finish the instance script and probably will update few boss scripts. That LK script with those locals used as controls and the ton of functions is a disaster to run in a raid or anything instanced. Or even to put more than one npc in world :D. I'm going out tonight, will answer anything else tomorrow (if the hangover isn't too bad xD).

Goten87 commented 10 years ago

sure bro have fun and talk to u tomorow

Btw i gave the project a new name (Project BlizzLike) hope u like the name ass wel

And are u sure the event stuff is yours :O becose if it is i will remove LOE team from the team list if its from you oregenaly

DarkAngel39 commented 10 years ago

Name is good, I'm fine with it. And yes, I got the commits to prove that the events project was originally created and in the largest part developed by me: but the the dev of LOEdb also helped and since the copy is from their db, you should keep the loe team there. They also kept the original credits stuff so I'm 100% fine with that. And btw, I'm not some moron that will argue about couple of letters. I'm not exactly a fan on A.C.T.A. too :D. Ok, goodnight (or should I say morning xD)

Goten87 commented 10 years ago

so how did your weekend go mine was fine ^^

and i dont get thiss: And btw, I'm not some moron that will argue about couple of letters. I'm not exactly a fan on A.C.T.A. too

what did u mean by that :O

DarkAngel39 commented 10 years ago

I mean that I am not someone that will get angry because of some credit. And about A.C.T.A. it's better to show you.

Goten87 commented 10 years ago

oke now i get it ist like for copy righted stuff :P but how are u doing btw havend heard u for a long time now with dev stuff :O

DarkAngel39 commented 10 years ago

Too much work. And the girlfriend gives me trouble. :D Later tonight will push some updates (mainly the second boss stuff) and some more corrections. The trash is not done yet and can't quite figure out how to implement the weekly quest support.

Goten87 commented 10 years ago

Haha no rush bro was just wondering if u where stil alive :p and nice progress hope people will use it and I still need to make a post on forums about this project haha

Goten87 commented 10 years ago

Are u still alive bro xD no updates at all anymore :(

DarkAngel39 commented 10 years ago

I am off for Easter. Will update when I get access to proper internet connection.