GoteoFoundation / goteo-legacy

Unsupported legacy code for the Crowdfunding Open Source platform Goteo - - Get the new version here:
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http://localhost/user/login/?return=%2Fgoteo #52

Open aisamurai opened 10 years ago

aisamurai commented 10 years ago

I have installed as per instructions on XAMPP Latest download.Think my config.php is the issue? If I have installed default c:\xampp\htdocs, created c:\xampp\htdocs\goteo, created db goteo, run sql's ok, then created localhost admin rights user=goteo,pwrd =goteo then modified config.php as per instructions for schema user and password etc. I have left the default xampp installed files in htdocs directory, and xampp/apache/php etc works all ok.

When I put into browser.. localhost/goteo or localhost/goteo/index.php always get error http://localhost/user/login/?return=%2Fgoteo

Think my error is below config.php param? what should it be? I have tried http://localhost/goteo with same results. should I add the index.php at the end of both lines. Should both lines be the same. Should I have kept the port number :8888 in this config line?

// url define('SITE_URL', 'http://localhost/'); define('SRC_URL', 'http://localhost/');

is it anpother problem I have not thought of? I have looked at all the threads ~35, ~44 etc. and can find no definitive answer for copy of files or a basic install as per instructions. Does anyone have a default WORKING xampp default config.php with goteo db etc. to share. I aim to publish full instructions in english for xampp and wamp if helped.. can anyone help... thanks. stephen

adnanakhtar commented 10 years ago

Hey man, I am facing the same exact problem... I did all that was mentioned and tried many differnet combinations for the SITE_URL but nothing yielded any result...

I am not getting any error and the localhost:8888/ page on my WAMP no not found error and no other message...

aisamurai commented 10 years ago

I have amended localhost/ to localhost/goteo, and goteo/index.php etc..checed priv. on db.. everything I can think of. have tried both lines the same, and every combination of different. installed everything as default. even re-installed basic windows and xampp and wamp versions... been trying this all week. same error... am thinking of paying someone to fix it!!! but determined to solve and publish full install guide in english...speak spanish so could translate, but spanish insall guide no extra help... if anyone can assist this project... please do...

adnanakhtar commented 10 years ago

I am also trying to find the problem here....I am not sure if everyone else has got everything correct with these codes...Wait on getting a developer ...i am going through the whole code and hope to crack it all in a week....

adnanakhtar commented 10 years ago

This is what my localhost:8888/ looks like after I made the changes and did all the work....I dont know whats wrong its not even showing any error or message for index.php screen shot 2013-07-28 at 5 48 25 am

Goteo commented 10 years ago

Goteo cant be implemented on a folder, must be on a domain root. Create a name for (editing you hosts files).

Everything after SITE_URL is managed by a controller. /index.php is a dispatcher. So localhost/goteo look for the /controller/ file.

For those who want to use http://localhost/goteo On the .htaccess you must set RewriteBase /goteo instead of RewriteBase /

Goteo commented 10 years ago

@aisamurai You must put a new line on \WINDOWS\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts file Then set it on SITE_URL and SRC_URL in config.php

@adnanakhtar Same for you but we've never implemented it on MAMP. Some of our helpers did.
Be sure mod_rewrite is on and check your version of Php and MySql.

jediscript commented 10 years ago

Hi, I have the same problem. Goteo is extracted in this location in ubuntu: /var/www/goteo

Here is my .htaccess (copied the .htaccess sample file):

AddDefaultCharset UTF-8 Options +FollowSymLinks ServerSignature Off

<Files .*> Order Deny,Allow Deny From All

<Files *.php>

Order Deny,Allow

Deny From All

php_value magic_quotes_runtime "0" php_value magic_quotes_gpc "0" php_value register_globals "Off" php_value register_long_arrays "Off" php_value session.auto_start "0" php_value display_startup_errors "On" # TODO: prohibir el acceso directo a index.php RewriteEngine On RewriteBase /goteo RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteRule .\* index.php?%{QUERY_STRING}

in my config.php file: define('SITE_URL', 'http://localhost/goteo'); define('SRC_URL', 'http://localhost/goteo');

I complied with all the system requirements. Please help me on this one. Thanks in advance.

Goteo commented 10 years ago

Create a virtualhost for /var/www/goteo and change SITE_URL and SRC_URL at config.php

Goteo can't run on a directory, must be on the root of the domain. But... you can hack the dispatcher (/index.php) to run on localhost/goteo.

muzudho commented 8 years ago

Hi! I resolved similar problem.

In the case of me. I setting GOTEO for test in Local PC(Windows7). .httaccess file is disabled. I write mode_rewrite settings to Apache httpd.conf.

Options All AllowOverride All

File end.

<Directory "E:\Localhost"> AllowOverride All
