GothamSass / centralpark

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Modular Design: Developing, Maintaining, and Extending Component-Based CSS #14

Closed erindepew closed 8 years ago

erindepew commented 8 years ago

Modular Design: Developing, Maintaining, and Extending Component-Based CSS

Type of Presentation (required)

June or August

Description (required)

Component-based web development is a movement that has been gaining popularity in the front-end development community, but too often developers don’t apply the same principles to their CSS. At Bitly, we are using a hybrid approach for our CSS-preprocessor which draws inspiration from BEM, SMACSS, and OOCSS in order to create modular, reusable Sass-based “components”. In this talk I’ll discuss how we wrangled our Sass to align with our React components, as well as the benefits and drawbacks we encountered while taking this approach.

Speaker Info (required)

Erin is a front-end engineer at Bitly who is working on making the web a more beautiful place one website at a time and appreciates an epic CSS hack every now and again.



adekunleoduye commented 8 years ago

Hey @erindepew!

Thanks for your submission! Your talk sounds very interesting. I was wondering if June 28th would work for you?

erindepew commented 8 years ago

Yes, June 28th works for me!

adekunleoduye commented 8 years ago


You're all set:

Please let me know if you need anything and see you on June 28th!