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The Modular Grid — a Chrome Extension in Beta #17

Closed code-warrior closed 7 years ago

code-warrior commented 7 years ago

The Modular Grid — a Chrome Extension

Type of Presentation

When would you ideally like to speak

April or May 2017, on a Tuesday or Friday evening, which are my only two free evenings during the week.


In the translation of design mocks to working web pages, web developers tend to make many visual positional guesses in the process that alter a designer’s original design intentions. However, when a modular grid — one comprised of both a column and baseline grid — is used by both design and development, it’s easier for web developers to remain true to original designs. Furthermore, combined with a CSS preprocessor like Sass, it becomes very possible to achieve true, near pixel-perfect translations of designs into web pages.

Therefore, I’d like to talk about [The Modular Grid](), an open source Chrome extension in beta that overlays, or superimposes, a grid over web pages. Because this project is in beta, I would be delighted to get UI and design feedback from the community, and also take feature requests.

Speaker Info

More Info

Social Media:

I’m an educator, animal rights activist, and full stack engineer specializing in front end, public-facing technologies, such as Sass and JavaScript. I teach at schools as varied as BMCC and RISD, and I’ve worked at places as varied as NYU and IBM. I shepherd two dogs and two rats, all of whom get along swimmingly.



Photo by Joanne Madden

skyfaerie commented 7 years ago

Hello Roy! Thanks for reaching out! Our dates for those months are April 24th and May 30th, both Tuesdays. April would be great, but have both available until we confirm something. :-) If you're good with April, I'll go ahead and book that.

code-warrior commented 7 years ago

I’m afraid 24 April is no good, as I’m teaching that evening. (I teach this semester on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings.) The 30th of May, however, is fine. (smiley face)

skyfaerie commented 7 years ago

You're scheduled! RSVPs open two weeks beforehand (I'm trying a new thing here for accurate attendee count), so I'll be closing this issue. Don't hesitate to reach out to me if you need anything before then!