GothenburgBitFactory / holidata

Holidata is the core of, a no-nonsense, ad-free provider of international holiday data.
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Add locale for sl-SI #77

Closed dejande closed 2 years ago

dejande commented 2 years ago

Basic information

(please replace LANG and COUNTRY in the issue title accordingly)

For each holiday

Name Regional (R) vs nation-wide (N) fixed (F) / variable (V) Date work-free day Y/N Source
New Year Holiday N F 01-01 Y *
New Year Holiday N F 01-02 Y *
Prešeren Day, the Slovenian Cultural Holiday N F 02-08 Y *
Day of Uprising Against the Occupation N F 04-27 Y *
Labour Day N F 05-01 Y *
Labour Day N F 05-02 Y *
Primož Trubar Day N F 06-08 N *
Statehood Day N F 06-25 Y *
Unification of Prekmurje Slovenes with the Mother Nation N F 08-17 N *
Return of Primorska to the Motherland N F 09-15 N *
Slovenian Sports Day N F 09-23 N *
Sovereignty Day N F 10-25 N *
Day of Remembrance for the Dead N F 11-01 Y *
Rudolf Maister Day N F 11-23 N *
Independence and Unity Day N F 12-26 Y *
Easter Sunday N V western Y *
Easter Monday N V western Y *
Whit Sunday N V western Y *
Feast of the Assumption N F 08-15 Y *
Reformation Day N F 10-31 Y *
Christmas Day N F 12-25 Y *


lauft commented 2 years ago

@dejande Thanks for the input. 👍🏻

Could you provide the original names of the holidays? Otherwise this would be the en-SI locale. Also it would be good if you could dig up the respective law(s) which define the holidays. I found where the "the online version of the Government Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia" seems to be published. I guess this could be the place to find those.

Another remark: Holidata will only list the "defined by law on which business or work are suspended or reduced", i.e. non-workfree holidays will be omitted, because the main consumers Timewarrior and Taskwarrior use those to determine workfree time.

lauft commented 2 years ago

@dejande I have created #78 with a first draft.

dejande commented 2 years ago

Could you provide the original names of the holidays? Otherwise this would be the en-SI locale.

Oh yes, that is actually en-SI. Let me also prepare sl-SI.

Also it would be good if you could dig up the respective law(s) which define the holidays. I found where the "the online version of the Government Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia" seems to be published. I guess this could be the place to find those.

Sure. Here it is:

Another remark: Holidata will only list the "defined by law on which business or work are suspended or reduced", i.e. non-workfree holidays will be omitted, because the main consumers Timewarrior and Taskwarrior use those to determine workfree time.


dejande commented 2 years ago
Name Regional (R) vs nation-wide (N) fixed (F) / variable (V) Date work-free day Y/N Source
novo leto N F 01-01 Y *
novo leto N F 01-02 Y *
Prešernov dan, slovenski kulturni praznik N F 02-08 Y *
dan upora proti okupatorju N F 04-27 Y *
praznik dela N F 05-01 Y *
praznik dela N F 05-02 Y *
dan Primoža Trubarja N F 06-08 N *
dan državnosti N F 06-25 Y *
združitev prekmurskih Slovencev z matičnim narodom N F 08-17 N *
vrnitev Primorske k matični domovini N F 09-15 N *
dan slovenskega športa N F 09-23 N *
dan suverenosti N F 10-25 N *
dan spomina na mrtve N F 11-01 Y *
dan Rudolfa Maistra N F 11-23 N *
dan samostojnosti in enotnosti N F 12-26 Y *
velikonočna nedelja N V western Y *
velikonočni ponedeljek N V western Y *
binkošti N V western Y *
Marijino vnebovzetje N F 08-15 Y *
dan reformacije N F 10-31 Y *
božič N F 12-25 Y *
