GothenburgBitFactory / holidata

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Update non-working days for 2022 in locale hu-HU #83

Closed lauft closed 2 years ago

lauft commented 2 years ago

This adds the non-working days as specified by 23/2021. (VI. 1.) ITM rendelet a 2022. évi munkaszüneti napok körüli munkarendről (ITM decree on the work schedule around the 2022 public holidays)

lauft commented 2 years ago

I have the suspicion that the note on the work-free days is wrong.

The note of the holiday Munkaszüneti Nap (Non-working day) should state which day (usually a Saturday) is a working day instead, but it reads <date> pihenőnap which according to here translates to <date> rest day.

I think it should be changed to <date> munkanap (<date> working day). Can someone confirm this? I am not a native speaker of Hungarian...