GothenburgBitFactory / holidata

Holidata is the core of, a no-nonsense, ad-free provider of international holiday data.
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Locales for Scotland & Northern ireland #88

Open yrro opened 1 year ago

yrro commented 1 year ago

The UK is divided into four countries: England (ISO 3166-2 GB-ENG), Wales (GB-WLS), Scotland (GB-SCT) and Northern Ireland (GB-NIR; actually ISO 3166-2 describes GB-NIR as a province not a country... it doesn't matter for the purposes of holiday data).

England and Wales have the same set of public holidays, currently represented by the en-GB locale. But Scotland and Northern Ireland have different sets.

The data set currently doesn't have any subdivisions below the level of an ISO 3166-1 country. So it's not clear how to extend the dataset to incorporate public holidays in Scotland or Northern Ireland.

lauft commented 1 year ago

England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland should be modeled as regions ENG, WLS, SCT, and NIR in the locale. The holidays then have to be assigned to the specific regions.