GothenburgBitFactory / taskwarrior

Taskwarrior - Command line Task Management
MIT License
4k stars 275 forks source link

Fish shell auto completions do not appear to be working on 2.5.2 on MacOS #2144

Open arooni opened 5 years ago

arooni commented 5 years ago

To report a bug...

task 2.5.2
   Platform: Darwin

    Version: 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 10.0.0 (clang-1000.11.45.5)
       Caps: +stdc +stdc_hosted +LP64 +c8 +i32 +l64 +vp64 +time_t64
 Compliance: C++14

Build Features
      Built: Mar  4 2019 14:46:58
     Commit: b87703eb
      CMake: 3.13.4
    libuuid: libuuid + uuid_unparse_lower
  libgnutls: 3.6.6
 Build type: release

       File: /Users/david/.taskrc (found), 16239 bytes, mode 100644
       Data: /Users/david/.task (found), dir, mode 40755
    Locking: Enabled
         GC: Enabled
    $EDITOR: vim
         CA: ~/.task/ca.cert.pem, readable, 2405 bytes
Certificate: ~/.task/private.certificate.pem, readable, 2462 bytes
        Key: ~/.task/private.key.pem, readable, 3660 bytes
      Trust: ignore hostname
    Ciphers: NORMAL
      Creds: inthe_am/daveparkinson/************************************

     System: Enabled
   Location: /Users/david/.task/hooks
     Active: on-modify.timetracking (executable) (symlink)
             on-modify.timewarrior  (executable)

   Terminal: 120x30
       Dups: Scanned 2155 tasks for duplicate UUIDs:
             Found duplicate 794cb7c5-7a6f-4896-b159-363cdfdb1b37
             Found duplicate adb205f5-9b1f-4e0e-9f40-0da0cfefa1b8
             Found duplicate e146c9f6-a041-4e60-8001-8afdad647f78
             Found duplicate 7d00c2bb-8234-40de-8c4f-c9d455ca93c2
             Found duplicate d502976d-7d04-4894-bef5-ce66ce358bc7
             Found duplicate f2904c17-1bf7-424b-a586-185fa6ac5125
             Found duplicate a9a96e75-f44e-4c7c-a99f-48b2fa06b00b
             Found duplicate a4ac48a1-404e-46a8-a5fb-623328935047
             Found duplicate 0459bf6a-dd14-4121-bef2-b68940d86f71
             Found duplicate 9bfb20ef-1726-457e-9c5d-9a92d8c7c355
             Found duplicate a9a96e75-f44e-4c7c-a99f-48b2fa06b00b
             Found duplicate 5db7fa90-f4bf-48ae-a98b-f101e0573d1b
             Found duplicate fa07600c-945a-4335-916a-b6a82367263b
             Found duplicate b82e8fa3-2cee-46c0-bfc8-44e42263e3b4
             Found duplicate 7d4d0641-57f8-488a-8e17-ccb74e4aa869
             Found duplicate e1463bab-1247-42fb-ad6d-ea7fa0bbfcc1
             Found duplicate 25c8fbbe-be7e-4909-ae60-cf0376c0fa2a
             Found duplicate 953507db-cc01-4540-b92c-c69ee8c90e55
             Found duplicate 625c6f1b-c2d7-4c96-8091-0e8c62ac2408
 Broken ref: Scanned 2155 tasks for broken references:
             No broken references found
pbeckingham commented 4 years ago

We need more information than "do not seem to work at all". Otherwise we don't know what to look for.