GothenburgBitFactory / taskwarrior

Taskwarrior - Command line Task Management
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Native GTD "Waiting For" report #2221

Open ChargingBulle opened 4 years ago

ChargingBulle commented 4 years ago

Hi. I'm doing GTD with TaskWarrior and I tag items with a waitfor tag in order to "wait for" someone else to do this task. It's quite handy and a central part of doing GTD.

Can someone add a more elegant way of dong this? Having a magical tag requires all reports fo filter waitfor-Tasks out. Having waitfor-Tasks is very handy since one can have dependencies on them. e. g. "I can't do the report because bob hasn't sent me the figures yet".

This is something which GTD users would enjoy and Non-GTD users could ignore easily. Thanks!

xeruf commented 4 years ago

Can't you simply add a wait date sometime in the future and add a tag for the custom view?

xeruf commented 4 years ago

I think what you are looking for is wait:someday - see

ChargingBulle commented 4 years ago

I think what you are looking for is wait:someday - see

No, having an item on the 'Waiting for' list in contrast to the 'Someday/Maybe' list are conceptionally different things in the world of GTD.

excerpt1 versus excerpt2 Full Diagram ; Overview of GTD

add a tag for the custom view

I already have a custom report, as stated in the issue description. The formatting is like this:

ID  Created    Description                                                                Urg 
123 2020-01-01 [Marko] Send files regarding  trampoline                                   0.00
321 2020-01-01 [Christine] Return call                                                    0.00
xeruf commented 4 years ago

you are totally right, but I think you should have a wait:someday attached to both waiting for and someday tasks, with an extra +waiting tag for the tasks you are waiting on - that way both don't show up in the queries and you can still have your custom report.

apkawel commented 2 years ago

I might be missing something, @JavaZauber, but I think you could just create a context that removes tasks that have your tag. That way you can simply activate that context and then all the reports will respect the context's constraints when you run them.

Try this in your .taskrc file:


Then switch to the context and run the report:

$ task context notwaiting
$ task next

… or any other report. That should do the trick.

Of course you can add or subtract other tags as needed; this is just a minimal working example.