GothenburgBitFactory / timewarrior

Timewarrior - Commandline Time Tracking and Reporting
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[TI-59] summary or'd tag filter #64

Open taskwarrior opened 6 years ago

taskwarrior commented 6 years ago

lash on 2017-01-13T23:02:46Z says:

When supplying tags for timew summary, only entries containing all of the tags specificed are shown. I propose possibility for or'ing them instead/aswell.


Entry 1 has keyword A, B Entry 2 has keyword B, C

timew summary A B matches entry 1 timew summary B A matches entry 1 timew summary B matches both timew summary A C matches neither timew summary C A matches neither


Entry 1 has keyword A, B Entry 2 has keyword B, C

timew summary A B matches entry 1 timew summary B A matches entry 1 timew summary B matches both timew summary A C matches both timew summary C A matches both

taskwarrior commented 6 years ago

Migrated metadata:

Created: 2017-01-13T23:02:46Z
Modified: 2017-07-30T11:14:52Z
taskwarrior commented 6 years ago

Paul Beckingham on 2017-01-16T14:20:37Z says:

What you described is inconsistent even though no details were specified. The 4th filter is this:

timew summary A C

and you want it to match both items, because tag A is in item 1, and tag C is in item 2. That result can only come about if the filter A C is interepreted as A or C. But if that's the meaning, then the first two filters:

timew summary A B
timew summary B A

Would match both records, because of the presence of B in both intervals. So I don't know what your specific rules were, but it's not intuitive. Could you elaborate on the syntax proposed?

Secondly, if the or capability is needed, then I would only implement and (which is implicit), xor and not, and of course the necessary precedence operators ( and ), so that we have proper algebraic expressions, just like Taskwarrior.

taskwarrior commented 6 years ago

lash on 2017-01-27T21:25:56Z says:

Yes of course you are right about the inconsistency. Sorry about that. In the "PROPOSED" all the alternatives would match both.

Concerning Taskwarrior expressions, you mean these, I presume:

... I think that sounds like a good angle.

I would also propose that it should be possible to search hierarchically for projects, so that "Parent" would match "Parent.child"

taskwarrior commented 6 years ago

Paul Beckingham on 2017-07-30T11:14:45Z says:

I agree that a full-featured filtering mechanism is desirable, and should match Taskwarrior style filters.