Gotos / CuteCapture

A 3DS capture software for linux and mac
Apache License 2.0
44 stars 6 forks source link

Multiple DS/3DS devices #13

Open ecayoume opened 3 years ago

ecayoume commented 3 years ago

Hello Gotos, Thank you for your hard work. It's amazing having support for capture cards within Linux. However, I was wondering if there is support for multiple DSes with CuteCapture? When I open a second CuteDSCapture window, it is blank window. There is no verbose for either CuteDSCapture box. Is it already supported and did I miss a setting or configuration along the way? I have four DSes that I would to use from within Linux.

verbose, lack there of

sfml 2.5 libusb-devel i3wm

Gotos commented 3 years ago

Heyhi o/

There is unfortunately no support for multiple devices. The main reason for that is that I'm not really trained in USB stuff enough to know how to do it and also don't have multiple devices of the same type so I could test this.

Right now, I don't really have time to look into this and don't think that'll change in the next months. Generally I would be interested in having that feature tho, it's been asked for a couple of times over the last few years. So if anyone wants to write a PR, I'd he happy to merge it.

Gotos commented 3 years ago

May I asked what this is for? Just curious what you're doing that you need four DSes hooked up to one computer :D

ecayoume commented 3 years ago

I came across your post within the 3DS Capture forum at the end of last year. I was surprised to see someone taking the time to support Linux for Capture Cards. I would venture a guess that a good majority of the people that inquired for multiple device support with Capture Cards are Shiny hunters in Pokemon. Maybe even from that 3DS Capture forum. Well, thank you for the your time, reply, and building this for us, penguin users.

ThomasHineXYZ commented 2 years ago

I personally own two of the Loopy DS capture cards. It would be awesome to have proper support for running them both at once. Currently, it's quite janky, but it "works".