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Error: "Die RDF-Sprache konnte nicht für den bereitgestellten Inhalt bestimmt werden." #16

Closed ondics closed 2 years ago

ondics commented 2 years ago

The validator guesses the filetype using the file extension. This works when submitting URLs like


But this does not work using urls with parameters:


The error message displayed is Die RDF-Sprache konnte nicht für den bereitgestellten Inhalt bestimmt werden.

Is this a bug?

init-dcat-ap-de commented 2 years ago

If you don't explicetly state the context syntax, it is guessed by the file extension. Your example does not provide a file extension, therefor the context syntax cannot be guessed.

Please select the context syntax your portal uses to provide the rdf data. (My guess: RDF/XML).

ondics commented 2 years ago

The file extension of the URL https://opendata-portal/catalog.rdf?fq=name:dcat-ap-de-example-dataset when stripping off the parameters is rdf. It's the last characters after the . of the the path. Too complex or unreliable to extract?

init-dcat-ap-de commented 2 years ago

You're right, it should be able to extract the file-extension, even though there are parametert.

costas80 commented 2 years ago

The fix for this is now live. For content loaded via provided URI, any query string extensions are ignored when guessing the resource's content type.