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Deutsche Adaption des „Data Catalogue Application Profile“ (DCAT-AP) für Datenportale in Europa
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Use the label "Nutzungsbestimmungen" for dcterms:rights on the distribution instead? #69

Open matthiaspalmer opened 1 year ago

matthiaspalmer commented 1 year ago

On the dataset level the label "Grad der Zugänglichkeit" is used for dcterms:accessRights with the three level "public" "non-public" and "restricted". On distribution the dcterms:accessRights does not exist, however, there is the dcterms:rights that have been given the same label "Grad der Zugänglichkeit".

I think this label is wrong since dcterms:rights are supposed to point to a URL, or perhaps to a blank node with further triples. I do not think the "Grad der Zugänglichkeit" label will fit in either of these cases. In addition, it makes it easy to mix it up with the dcterms:accessRights.

Furthermore, on the catalog level, the label for dcterms:rights is "Nutzungsbestimmungen", I think that is probably a better label that should be used on the distribution as well.

init-dcat-ap-de commented 1 year ago

Hello, thank you, you are right.

Class dct:rights
"Grad der Zugänglichkeit"
dcat:Catalog yes no
dcat:Dataset no yes
dcat:DataService no yes
dcat:Distribution yes no

In addition, we have to add the mandatory controlled vocabulary for dct:accessRights:
