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Language tags for titles, descriptions and keywords? #78

Open rwingerter55 opened 1 year ago

rwingerter55 commented 1 year ago

Quote from dcat-ap_2.1.1.pdf, page 29:

For free text, e.g. in the cases of titles, descriptions and keywords, the language tag is mandatory.

Note that the example file dcat_ap_de-RefImp_TTL_ADVANCED.ttl does not use language tags for title, description and keywords:

  # Minimalanforderungen
  a dcat:Dataset ;
  dct:title "Badegewässer in Hamburg" ;
  dct:description "Historische Daten der Badegewässer und ihrer Überwachungsmessstellen im Internet." ;

  # Empfohlen gemaeß
  dcat:distribution <> ,
                    <> ;
  dcat:keyword "wasserbelastung", "gewaesserqualitaet", "umweltueberwachung", "wasser", "badestelle" ;