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Show diff of different scan results; compare results of two scans #50

Closed gregelin closed 9 years ago

gregelin commented 10 years ago

Users can see what has changed between current scan, previous scan, and initial scan so they can see progress.

gregelin commented 10 years ago

Strategy for enabling this feature. This feature has the following elements:

Strategy: Develop xslt template first and make sure diffing works. Then figure out the xsltproc command. Finally figure out how to pass around parameters and finding most recent versions of files.

gregelin commented 10 years ago

Information on finding most recent versions of files. Use a command a bash piped command combining ls prefix-result*.xml, sort, head -1, and sed.

gregelin commented 9 years ago

After more attempts of testing with document and variables, I am not really sure if an item by item comparison can be made purely by using xslt processing and document() command.

Going to try looping through in bash instead.

gregelin commented 9 years ago

Here is a simple loop using output of one xsltproc to power a second xsltproc.

for ruleid in `xsltproc listfail.xsl scans/results.xml`; do xsltproc --stringparam ruleid "${ruleid}" ruleinfo2.xsl scans/results.xml; done
gregelin commented 9 years ago

Bash compare: file:


# usage:   bash ./ newresults.xml oldresults.xml
# examples
#   compare most recent result to an old scan:
#      bash ./ scans/results.xml scans/server-results-0910-1927.xml
#   compare new scan of failing to see what might have previously passed:
#      bash ./ scans/server-results-0910-1927.xml scans/results.xml

# For nice printing


cmd="xsltproc listfail.xsl $oldresults"
rules=$(eval $cmd)

#echo "failed rules from $oldresults"
#echo $rules
printf "Comparing fails from two results files\n"
printf "file 'A' is $newresults\n"
printf "file 'B' is $oldresults\n\n"

for ruleid in $rules; do
    # get result for a ruleid from new results
    cmd_newresults='xsltproc --stringparam ruleid "${ruleid}" ruleidresult.xsl $newresults'
    newtestresult=$(eval $cmd_newresults)

    # get result for a ruleid from old results
    cmd_oldresults='xsltproc --stringparam ruleid "${ruleid}" ruleidresult.xsl $oldresults'
    oldtestresult=$(eval $cmd_oldresults)

    # print out comparison
    if [ $newtestresult = "pass" ]; then
        printf "A: ${_GREEN} $newtestresult${_NORMAL} "
        printf "A: ${_RED} $newtestresult${_NORMAL} "

    if [ $oldtestresult = "pass" ]; then
        printf "A: ${_GREEN} $oldtestresult${_NORMAL} "
        printf "B: ${_RED} $oldtestresult${_NORMAL} "

    printf "rule: $ruleid\n"

    #if [ $oldtestresult != $newtestresult ]; then
    #   printf "A: ${newtestresult} where B: ${oldtestresult} for rule: $ruleid"

listfail.xsl file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
    exclude-result-prefixes="xsl cdf db s exsl"


Copyright: Greg Elin, 2014

This style sheet lists all failed rules

usage: $> xsltproc listfail.xsl result-file-name.xml


<xsl:template match="/">
<xsl:output method="text" encoding="utf-8" />

<xsl:strip-space elements="*"/>
<xsl:output methood="text" encoding="UTF-8" />

<xsl:template match="/">

<xsl:for-each select="cdf:Benchmark/cdf:TestResult/cdf:rule-result[cdf:result = 'fail']">
<xsl:value-of select="@idref"/><xsl:text>


<!-- include to stop leakage from builtin tempaltes -->
<xsl:template match='node()' mode='engine-results'/>
<xsl:template match="text()"/>


ruleidresult.xsl content:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.1"
    exclude-result-prefixes="xsl cdf db s exsl"


Copyright: Greg Elin, 2014

This file provides a relitvely simple xslt transformation on openscap results.xml file
to show information regarding a single rule.

usage: $> xsltproc - -stringparam paramname paramvalue ruleidresult.xsl result-file-name.xml


<xsl:param name="ruleid">notdefined</xsl:param>
<xsl:param name="compare_result">notdefined</xsl:param>
<xsl:strip-space elements="*"/>
<xsl:output method="text" encoding="utf-8" />

<xsl:template match="/">

<xsl:template match="cdf:rule-result">
<xsl:if test="@idref=$ruleid">
    <xsl:value-of select='cdf:result'/>

<!-- include to stop leakage from builtin tempaltes -->
<xsl:template match='node()' mode='engine-results'/>
<xsl:template match="text()"/>

gregelin commented 9 years ago

Add xsl templates templates/filterresults.xsl, templates/ruleidresults.xsl and script/ for making rule by rule comparisons between result xml files. See a8f018d0c126cc0335637469d233f159073c64c9

Next step is to integrate into govready commands.

gregelin commented 9 years ago

Diff method is now implemented in govready compare command. compare is a more accurate description because we are comparing two results files. commit: 928be637a6a41183b6a15018bc9b124fe46f9f34


# compare most recent results with earlier result across all selected controls
govready compare scans/results.html scans/test-results-0913-1754.xml

# compare most recent results with earlier result where most recent result passed
# compare current passes against previous result to see what improved
govready compare scans/results.html scans/test-results-0913-1754.xml fail

# compare most recent results with earlier result where most recent result failed
# compare current fails against previous result to see if anything failing previously passed
govready compare scans/results.html scans/test-results-0913-1754.xml fail

Starting final testing.

gregelin commented 9 years ago

Fixed final template bug. c7fd1df788c315cedcd0e938788c7e541d2273c0