Goz3rr / SatisfactorySaveEditor

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Research unlock, doesn't unlock tier 7 milestones. #102

Closed FPSHolland closed 5 years ago

FPSHolland commented 5 years ago

I just used the research unlock, it unlocked the space elevator input, but it says Tier 1 in SE GUI. after inputting the quantum comp, heavy modular and turbo motor. it only unlocks the tier 7 tab in the research station, I don't get the milestones or any craftable related to tier 7.

All default unlocked research was already done and all milestones up to tier 6 were done before using unlocker.

I'll add some pics if needed.

FPSHolland commented 5 years ago

2019-05-31 14_21_58-Satisfactory 2019-05-31 14_25_24-Satisfactory 2019-05-31 14_28_27-Satisfactory 2019-05-31 14_28_55-Satisfactory 2019-05-31 14_29_33-Satisfactory 2019-05-31 14_29_50-Satisfactory 2019-05-31 14_29_58-Satisfactory

FPSHolland commented 5 years ago

I have tried doing it in a new save after unlocking tier 1, it has the same results.

TrickyReuploads commented 5 years ago


FPSHolland commented 5 years ago

"aha" I guess that means you have enough info to work with for now ;)

Ryder17z commented 5 years ago

It should be noted that the train tracks are currently prone to crash the game when building them

Goz3rr commented 5 years ago

Because all the hidden research was removed from the game, there isn't really much to unlock anymore besides the cheat stuff and some foundation stuff unless you have an older copy of the game.

FPSHolland commented 5 years ago

@Gozo3rr, Good to know then I'll just wait until it comes out on the early access branch then.