Goz3rr / SatisfactorySaveEditor

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values wont change after saving #193

Open jeffreymooiweer opened 3 years ago

jeffreymooiweer commented 3 years ago

I was creating a teleport with hypertubes like in this video. But the problem is you wil fall through the ground if the textures are not fully loaded because of the long distance. So i want to change the height of one entrance tube to place a foundation underneath it so i dont fall through the ground. It worked all perfectly well but suddenly the values that i change wont acctually save when i trie to.

jeffreymooiweer commented 3 years ago

And i'm also curious, do you think it is possible to just place 2 random tube entrace on the map (not linked together like in the video) and link them to eachother via the save editor? It would save a lot of hassle.

Goz3rr commented 3 years ago

I've had one report of a similar issue but haven't been able to reproduce it. Could you upload your save and explain what steps you're taking that makes it fail? Is it only the Z value that doesn't get updated?

jeffreymooiweer commented 3 years ago

At first I thought it had to do with deleting elements in the editor because that happend twice but that was easily restored with backup. But now that did not even so the trick. So i really don't know what is going on. I will add the savegame and you can test it for your self on the middle floor. I added there 6 hyperstarts for testing purposes. 4 of them are linked by a pair, 2 are seperate. I tried to link the 2 seperate ones just like in the video by adding components and parameters in the editor but it seems I can't add components to "FGPipeConnectionComponentHyper.FGPipeConnectionComponentHyper_C" is there any specific reason? testttgfdsahg.zip

sangisos commented 3 years ago

If you leave the text cursor/caret in an input field, that field does not seem to be saved. I was trying to understand which direction was which, carefully editing only one of the X,Y or Z-fields and saving, and nothing changing. Confused me for an hour.

Also, if you spam Ctrl-s, the program crashes and you are left with an empty save file. (Windows v0.9.17)