Goz3rr / SatisfactorySaveEditor

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Modify amount of item X #82

Closed xsimtomx closed 5 years ago

xsimtomx commented 5 years ago

Hi there,

Since there is a bug in the current Experimental Release where you can lose entire stacks of items (I lost 40 Power Shards) I was wondering if it's possible to add a function where you can just modify the amount of items you have of an item. Like, it would be very handy to add back the 40 Power Shards I lost without the need to fully edit my save file. Or is that simply not possible?

Anyway, thanks for all the work you've done so far!

Ryder17z commented 5 years ago

I lost 11 power shards due to the same bug 👎

fleeting-aardvark commented 5 years ago

I think the bug could be related to having more than the stack allows. A workaround for the disappearing stack is to transfer the stack to another container. However, if you have more than the stack allows, then only the top number of items for that stack will still be there. Still not sure why it is disappearing if you hit the sort button before moving any item.

xsimtomx commented 5 years ago

I was able to "retrieve" the lost shards by using a Cheat Engine table.

fleeting-aardvark commented 5 years ago

Hi there,

Since there is a bug in the current Experimental Release where you can lose entire stacks of items (I lost 40 Power Shards) I was wondering if it's possible to add a function where you can just modify the amount of items you have of an item. Like, it would be very handy to add back the 40 Power Shards I lost without the need to fully edit my save file. Or is that simply not possible?

Anyway, thanks for all the work you've done so far!

Yes it is possible to modify the amount of items you have in your inventory. Using the editor, go to the following location: [Save Name] > Game > FactoryGame > Character > Player > Char_Player.Char_Player_C

At that location will be a list of players in the game. Your character should be: Persistent_Level:PersistentLevel.Char_Player_C_0

Under that character's properties will be several objects. The one you are interested in is "mInventory". There is a jump button to the right. That will take you to your inventory.

From there, you will go to the "mInventoryStacks" property. That is where you can tweak the amounts currently in your inventory. The item type should give you an idea of what you are carrying.

xsimtomx commented 5 years ago

Oh, I didn't know this was already included in the editor. Thanks!

Goz3rr commented 5 years ago

Yeah, it's on the to-do list to make this more user friendly, but the way @fleeting-aardvark described it is currently the way to do this.