Gozala / hackalyst

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How to run programming/hacking workshops? #9

Open electronicwhisper opened 11 years ago

electronicwhisper commented 11 years ago

I'd love to hear about strategies for running workshops and other experiential-based group learning models.

russplaysguitar commented 11 years ago


Gozala commented 11 years ago

I'm sure we have some people at @mozilla who could do such a session. I know @toolness have being involved in something similar maybe he has some pointers ?

Gozala commented 11 years ago


Gozala commented 11 years ago

I also suspect @maxogden could speak / have references on this subject

max-mapper commented 11 years ago

hiya! I was just discussing this over here https://github.com/maxogden/javascript-for-cats/issues/15 this thread on twitter is pretty good too https://twitter.com/janl/status/270465049489993728